Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations

Argonne Site Office Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations

Determination Date Name of Action: Description Categorical Exclusion Number
5/17/2011 ASO-CX-287 Energy Science Building B3.6
5/16/2011 ASO-CX-286 The Advanced Photon Source (APS) Upgrade Project B3.6
5/18/2011 ASO-CX-288 Building 203 Upgrade and Operation of the Detector Laboratory B3.6
7/29/2011 ASO-CX-290 Building 108 Boilers 1-5 NOx Emission Reduction Project B2.5
3/17/2011 ASO-CX-281 Biomass Production and Nitrogen Recovery in 21st Century Riparian Buffers B3.8
3/21/2011 ASO-CX-282 Building 211 Operation of the 20 MeV Electron Linac Accelerator and Upgrade to 50 MeV B3.10
4/29/2011 ASO-CX-283 Building 315 Experiments to Demonstrate Ex-Vessel Core Coolability under Early Cavity Flooding Conditions B3.6
5/9/2011 ASO-CX-284 Construction and Operation of the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility B3.6
3/3/2011 ASO-CX-280 Refurbishing of the Quantum Design SQUID Magnetometer B3.6
1/24/2011 ASO-CX-277 Midwest Photovoltaics Analysis Facility at the Tollway B3.6