
SC’s field operations must simultaneously drive outstanding mission performance while holding the M&O contractors accountable for results. From an operations perspective, the ten Science laboratories vary significantly in their size and complexity.  As a result, our Site Offices and the oversight they provide are tailored to ensure the most efficient federal oversight possible. 

The Office of Science uses Contractor Assurance Systems as the cornerstone of our oversight and performance model for ensuring best-in-class laboratory operations.

Each SC M&O contractor is required, through an SC-specific clause in their contract, to perform line management oversight according to a defined Contractor Assurance System covering the full scope of laboratory operations.  This Contractor Assurance System must provide reasonable assurance to the DOE that the laboratory’s system of management controls, when properly implemented, provides an effective and efficient means of meeting all applicable requirements while accomplishing assigned missions.  Each contractor’s system must include a minimum set of key attributes, which include metrics and targets to assess performance, rigorous self-assessment and improvement, identification and correction of negative performance trends before they become significant issues, and timely communication to the DOE Site Office on assurance-related information.  DOE will use this information as the foundation for planning and executing its own oversight activities, which are conducted using a cadre of subject matter experts in the full range of operational areas.