Science Foundations for the Energy Earthshots

University-led teams will conduct crosscutting, fundamental research to address knowledge gaps that limit achievement of the Energy Earthshot goals. These teams are focused on crosscutting scientific challenges, spanning the Office of Science research portfolio. These teams complement work done by the Energy Earthshot Research Centers.

Map of Institutions

map of institutions

FY 2023 Abstracts

List of Projects

Principal Investigator


Lead Institution

Partner Institutions

Seetharaman, Sridhar

Fundamental studies of hydrogen arc plasmas for high-efficiency and carbon-free steelmaking

Arizona State University

Navajo Technical University;

National Renewable Energy Laboratory;

University of Texas, Austin

Asimaki, Domniki

A Hybrid Framework of Exascale Simulations, Observations and Deep Learning for System-Level Clean Energy Resilience and Risk Reduction

California Institute of Technology

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; University of California, Los Angeles

Menon, Akanksha

Understanding Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Transformations in Thermal Energy Storage Materials and Composites

Georgia Institute of Technology

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wang, Gangli

Atomic Level Compositional Complexity for Electrocatalysis (Atomic-C2E)

Georgia State University

Carnegie Mellon University,

Georgia Institute of Technology;

Oak Ridge National Laboratory;

University of Utah

Peherstorfer, Benjamin

Learning reduced models under extreme data conditions for design and rapid decision-making in complex systems

New York University

Georgia Institute of Technology;

Los Alamos National Laboratory;

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

North, Justin

Biological routes for synthesizing the industrial platform chemical, propylene, from deconstructed lignin waste and captured carbon dioxide produced during lignin valorization into bio-oil

The Ohio State University

Florida Institute of Technology ; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tolbert, Sarah

Center for STrain Optimization for Renewable Energy (STORE)

University of California, Los Angeles

California Institute of Technology;

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory;

University of California, Santa Barbara;

University of Southern California;

Abbaszadeh, Shiva

Solving the Paradox of Rhizosphere Effects on Soil Carbon Cycle

University of California, Santa Cruz

Stanford University

Kirst, Matias

Engineering Sporopollenin and Its Carbon Supply

University of Florida

National Research Council Canada

Koniges, Alice

Ka mana o ka la¯: Modeling our energy future

University of Hawaii

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Salehi-Khojin, Amin

Design, Discovery, and Synthesis Science of Porous Frameworks using Fast and Modular Heterophase Assembly

University of Illinois, Chicago

University of Chicago;

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Rodríguez López, Joaquín

Harnessing Electrostatics for the Conversion of Organics, Water and Air: Driving Redox on Particulate Liquids Earthshot (DROPLETS)

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Argonne National Laboratory; Georgia Institute of Technology; Northern Arizona University;

Texas State University

Stoerzinger, Kelsey

Molecular and Atomic EngineeRing of Interfacial Electro-catalytic Environments (MARIE)

University of Minnesota

Queen’s University Canada;

University of Minnesota, Morris;

University of Oregon

Saltiel, Seth

Process-based experimental and machine learning approaches for controlling fracture network generation in the brittle-ductile crust

University of Nevada, Reno

Columbia University;

Pennsylvania State University;

Strabo Analytics

Mallouk, Thomas

Proton and Ion Management in Bipolar-Membrane-Based Electrochemical Systems

University of Pennsylvania

Florida International University; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;

University of California, Berkeley;

University of Oregon

Yi, Son-Young

Advanced Multi-Physics Machine Learning for Subsurface Energy Systems Across Scales

University of Texas, El Paso

Florida State University;

Sandia National Laboratory;

University of Utah

Pakrasi, Himadri

Unleashing Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation for Carbon Neutral Production of Nitrogen Rich Compounds

Washington University

Alabama State University;

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Raymond, Peter

Carbon dioxide removal and high-performance computing: Planetary Boundaries of Earth Shots

Yale University

Georgia Institute of Technology; Princeton University;

Texas A&M University
