ARDAP Programs

ARDAP supports the development of new technologies and the commercialization of new and existing technologies through two distinct programs, an Accelerator Research and Development program and an Accelerator Production program.

ARDAP’s vision for its Accelerator Research and Development program includes continuing the Accelerator Stewardship program, which supports early-stage (low-TRL) R&D that benefits a broad range of research for industrial, medical, and security applications; supporting workforce development and capability building at universities; and other R&D activities that broadly support the accelerator user community.

ARDAP’s vision for its Accelerator Production program is to enhance the domestic industrial accelerator capability to address potential supply chain vulnerabilities that add risk to new, upgraded, and operating accelerator facilities over the next 10-20 years. It will do this through two sub-programs, an Accelerator Technology Maturation sub-program and an Accelerator Technology Production sub-program. Through these sub-programs, the Accelerator Production program ensures the TRL and MRL of selected critical accelerator technologies are both sufficiently high so the technologies can be commercialized by domestic accelerator technology vendors.

The table below differentiates the ARDAP TRL and MRL goals within the different parts of the ARDAP programs and sub-programs: Accelerator Stewardship and additional ARDAP R&D sub-programs target research up to a TRL level of 4 (red rectangle); Accelerator Technology Maturation will support further TRL advancement across the “TRL valley of death” to TRL 7 (green rectangle); and Accelerator Technology Production will advance technology to MRL 7 (yellow rectangle). By advancing critical technologies to TRL 7 and MRL 7, ARDAP will aid the transition of accelerator technology to industrial production, supporting the needs of future research facilities and industry.

Basic principles observed and reported MRL 1
Manufacturing feasibility assessed
TRL 2 Technology concept and/or application formulated MRL 2 Manufacturing concepts defined
TRL 3 Analytical and experimental critical func­tion and/or characteristic proof of concept MRL 3 Manufacturing concepts developed
TRL 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in a laboratory environment MRL 4 Capability to produce the technology in a laboratory environment
Component or breadboard validation in a relevant environment MRL 5 Capability to produce prototype components in a production relevant environment
TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment MRL 6 Capability to produce prototype system or sub­system in a production relevant environment
TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in an operational environment MRL 7 Capability to produce systems, subsystems or components in a production relevant environment
TRL 8 Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstrated MRL 8 Pilot line capability demonstrated; Ready to begin Low Rate Initial Production
TRL 9 Actual system proven through successful mission operations MRL 9 Low rate production demonstrated; Capability in place to begin Full Rate Production

From Technology Readiness Assessment Deskbook, July 2009,