Investing in People

A group of Researchers at a GPU Hackathon Image courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory
Researchers at a GPU Hackathon.

ASCR is committed to developing a skilled and diverse workforce in computer science and applied mathematics as well as helping small business and innovators toward the commercialization of products of ASCR sponsored basic research. ASCR manages the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) program and participates in the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Fellowships and Early Career Research programs. ASCR contributes to the Funding for Accelerated Inclusive Research (FAIR) and Reaching a New Energy Science Workforce (RENEW) initiatives in the Office of Science. The Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship (LEEP) program is also instrumental to meeting ASCR's goal of investing in people.

The Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) program has delivered leaders in computational science both within the Department of Energy national laboratories and across the private sector. The CSGF program has provided over 500 fellowships since the program’s inception in 1991. With increasing demand for these highly skilled scientist and engineers, ASCR continues to partner with the National Nuclear Security Administration to support the CSGF program to increase the availability and diversity of a trained workforce for exascale, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and beyond Moore’s Law capabilities such as quantum information sciences.

ASCR also participates in several Office of Science wide activities and initiatives:

  • The Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Fellowships enable Ph.D. students at U.S. universities to spend up to 12 months working with scientists at DOE national laboratories on projects that will advance and enhance their doctoral research.
  • The Office of Science Early Career Research Program (ECRP) provides an annual funding opportunity for early-career researchers in universities and DOE national laboratories. Established in 2010, this program supports the individual research programs of outstanding early-career scientists and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the Office of Science.
  • The Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) initiative leverages the national laboratories, user facilities, and other research infrastructures to provide undergraduate and graduate training opportunities for students and academic institutions not currently well represented in the science and technology ecosystem. The hands-on experiences gained through the RENEW initiative will open new career avenues for the participants, forming a nucleus for a future pool of talented young scientists, engineers, and technicians with the critical skills and expertise needed for the full breadth of Office of Science research activities, including DOE national laboratory staffing.
  • The Funding for Accelerated, Inclusive Research (FAIR) initiative aims to build research capacity, infrastructure, and expertise at institutions historically underrepresented in the Office of Science portfolio, including minority serving institutions (MSIs) and emerging research institutions (ERIs). FAIR supports mutually beneficial relationships between MSIs and ERIs with partnering institutions to perform basic research in fields supported by the Office of Science.

The Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program (LEEP) is a two-year fellowship program supported by multiple program offices at the Department of Energy. The mission of LEEP is to train the next generation of clean tech entrepreneurs to develop game-changing technologies for a clean energy future. LEEP taps into the many unique resources, facilities, and personnel at the national labs. LEEP nodes also leverage the vast business and manufacturing acumen present in innovation ecosystems locally, regionally, and nationally. The program seeks to move innovations into deployment at scale far more quickly and efficiently than is typical.

ASCR Funding

Award abstracts and information about awards made prior to FY2018 can be found here.

ASCR Workshops and Reports

Workshop and reports completed prior to FY2018 can be found here.

Other Notable Reports

Investing in People Program Managers:

Christine Chalk
Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

Marco Fornari
Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program

Robinson Pino
Funding for Accelerated, Inclusive Research
Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce

David Rabson
Office of Science Graduate Student Research Fellowship