Distinguished Scientist Fellows
Dr. Mary Raafat Mikhail Bishai – Brookhaven National Laboratory
For enduring contributions at the intensity frontier of high energy physics in unraveling fundamental properties of neutrinos, extraordinary leadership and service to the particle physics community, and deep commitment to broadening participation through mentoring next generation scientists.
Dr. Kristin Persson – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
For pioneering advancements in data-driven materials design through first-principles based computational algorithmic systems that yield optimal materials for engineers and scientists worldwide, and for her management and outreach skills that promote DOE’s missions.
Dr. Lois Curfman McInnes – Argonne National Laboratory
For exceptional accomplishments in innovative algorithms and software, leadership in major projects, including SciDAC and ECP, and in promotion of scientific productivity and software sustainability, and for outstanding efforts to broaden participation in high-performance computing and related science and engineering.
Dr. Gerald A. Tuskan - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Honored for foundational scientific advances in the development of resilient bioenergy feedstock crops, for excellence in leading large, multi-institutional science teams toward a robust, sustainable bioeconomy, and for supporting the next generation of diverse scientists.
2024 Award Ceremony, Lectures, and Biographies
Dr. Marcela Carena - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
For leadership and influential contributions to particle physics, including novel theoretical ideas and strategies for HEP experiments related to the Higgs boson, dark matter and electroweak baryogenesis, and promoting Latin American participation in DOE-hosted experiments.
Dr. Sheng Dai - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
For pioneering advances in development of functional materials for separation science, energy storage, catalysis, and other energy-related applications and for excellence in leading team science and mentoring the next generation of researchers.
2022 Award Ceremony, Lectures, and Biographies
Dr. Gregory W. Hammett - Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
For leading the development of the quantitative theory and simulation of plasma turbulence in fusion and astrophysics, and for educating and mentoring a diverse group of graduate students and early career researchers.
Dr. Jay Keasling - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
For national scientific leadership in synthetic biology that has advanced DOE’s strategy in renewable energy, especially the realization of biofuels and bioproducts that enable biomanufacturing at scale, and inspire and grow the U.S. bioeconomy.
Dr. L. Ruby Leung - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
For pioneering new approaches in climate modeling, the discovery of unexpected impacts of regional climate change, and understanding extreme weather events and their future changes.
2021 Award Ceremony, Lectures, and Biographies
Dr. Jacqueline Chen – Sandia National Laboratories/California
For advancing frontiers in the fields of combustion and high-performance computing through petascale direct numerical simulations and for mentoring and inspiring generations of researchers.
Dr. James De Yoreo – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
For transformational discoveries that have reshaped our understanding of materials synthesis from complex nucleation pathways to hierarchical assembly, for leadership in National Laboratory-University partnerships, and for dedication to mentoring the next generation of scientists.
Dr. Cynthia Keppel – Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
For contributions to the exploration of the quark structure of hadrons and nuclei through electron scattering, and creating successful collaborations across disciplines, including electron and neutrino scattering, theory and experiment, and nuclear and medical applications.
Dr. Sally Dawson – Brookhaven National Laboratory
For seminal contributions to the discovery of the Higgs particle through theoretical predictions, and a leadership role in thoroughly exploring the Higgs Boson and electroweak physics in research at particle accelerators.
Dr. Ian Foster – Argonne National Laboratory
For trailblazing work in distributed and high performance computing with fundamental and long-lasting impacts on both computer science as a discipline and the practice of computing across the Office of Science.
Dr. Joshua Frieman – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
For pioneering advances in the science of dark energy and cosmic acceleration, including leading the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey, co-founding the Dark Energy Survey and service as its Director.
Dr. Barbara Jacak – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
For leadership in discovering and characterizing the hottest, densest matter in the universe - the quark gluon plasma - and in building collaborations and training scientists at the frontiers of nuclear physics.
Dr. José Rodriguez – Brookhaven National Laboratory
For discoveries of the atomic basis of surface catalysis for the synthesis of sustainable fuels, and for significantly advancing in-situ methods of investigation using synchrotron light sources.