Christopher L. Fryer, 2014
Fusion and Plasma Science: For seminal advances in theory and modeling answering fundamental questions in astrophysics, for achievement in computational multiphysics, and for contributions impacting high-energy density science.
Christopher L. Fryer is honored for his major advances addressing fundamental questions in astrophysics, computational multiphysics, and high-energy density science, and more specifically, for supernova core collapse work using 3-dimentional modeling assimilation to model, explain, and predict astrophysical observations (e.g. from NASA's Swift mission) and phenomena. His computational astrophysics work involving the largest explosions in the universe has impacted some of the most important open questions in astrophysics, including the origin of the elements, the nature and evolution of the first stars, the graviational wave signals from compact binary systems, and the mechanism responsible for gamma ray bursts.