Argonne Site Office CX Determinations
Determination Date | Name of Action: Description | Categorical Exclusion Number |
7/5/2023 | ASO-CX-403 Vehicle Induced Resuspension of Surrogate Fallout | B 3.11 |
5/22/2023 | ASO-CX-402 Buildings 115 and 116 Decommissioning and Demolition for AU-2 Project | B 1.23 |
4/24/2023 | ASO-CX-401 Building 361 LINAC Decommissioning | B 1.23 |
1/23/2023 | ASO-CX-400 TCS Building 240 Facility Enhancements | B1.31, B1.15 |
7/19/2021 | ASO-CX-387 ESnet FIBER Install ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY | B 4.7 |
12/8/2022 | ASO-CX-399 AMF3 (ARM Mobile Facility) Project Installation and Operation at USDA/USFS Bankhead National Forest | B 3.1 |
11/10/2022 | ASO-CX-398 Continuous Lithium Plating Line in Building 370 | B 3.6 |
10/17/2022 | ASO-CX-397 Electrodialysis Pilot Plant Operations | B 3.6 |
10/17/2022 | ASO-CX-396 Fermenter Studies including Scale-Up Pilot | B 3.6 |
10/11/2022 | ASO-CX-395 Generic CX for Environmental Characterization and Monitoring | B 3.1 |