Texas A&M University Middle School Regional Science Bowl

Coach Registration
Register your team here.

Regional Event Information
Date: March 1, 2025
Maximum Number of Teams: 32
Maximum Number of Teams per School: 3
Registration Fee: $75
Hosted by: Texas A&M University

States and/or Counties Served:
All counties in Texas not assigned to the El Paso or Pantex Regional Competitions

Blocker Building
Ireland St at University Dr
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas  77843

Regional Contact Information
Regional Coordinator: Vince Schielack
Email: vinces@math.tamu.edu

Please read: Registration Process
Beginning Monday, October 7, at noon Eastern Time: Coaches either log-in to existing or create new accounts.  The only information needed initially is the coach, co-coach, and school information.  Coaches will not be asked (or allowed) to enter any information on the team members. 

After the team coach agrees to follow the eligibility requirements AND consents to the information in the former “Adult Consent and Media Form”, the coach can submit the school’s PREREGISTRATION.

After the coach submits the school PREREGISTRATION, the Regional Coordinator will approve the PREREGISTRATION if there is space.  An approved PREREGISTRATION secures at least one spot for a school.  Note: If the coach or co-coach is not a school employee, the school principal must complete the coach approval before PREREGISTRATION can be approved.

ONLY after the school’s PREREGISTRATION is approved, can the coach begin building their teams.

Teams will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis determined by the date/time stamp when their registrations were submitted. (Note that submission of registration requires all Parental Consent and Media Release Forms to be completed.) Registered first teams will take precedence over registered second teams, and registered second teams will take precedence over registered third teams, with the goal of as many different schools participating as possible.

Eligible registered first teams will be approved to participate as soon as possible after their registration is submitted. First teams that are preregistered will have a reserved space, provided they submit their complete registration by February 4, 2025.

Beginning February 5, 2025, and space permitting, second registered teams will be approved to participate. Beginning February 14, 2025, and space permitting, third registered teams will be approved to participate.

About a month before the competition, after the list of participating teams has been finalized, approved teams will be invoiced to pay the non-refundable $75 registration fee. Failure to pay by the invoice deadline will result in revocation of the team’s approval to play.

If teams drop out on the day of competition, second registered teams that were not previously approved that are present at the competition will be approved in registration submission order, followed by third registered teams, until the 32-team limit is reached.

For assistance in registration, please review the registration guide here.