Data Archive

The following table includes the Excel workbook files for each individual fiscal year of user statistics, including the FY 2021 Project/Institution Statistics.

Dataset Link  Interactive Map Fiscal Year Comments
User Statistics by Project FY2021 .XLS  2021 The COVID-19 global pandemic in fiscal year 2021 impacted the operation of scientific user facilities, resulting in more remote usage than in previous years. For more information on user statistics collection practices, visit
User Statistics by Institution FY2021 .XLS     2021 The COVID-19 global pandemic in fiscal year 2021 impacted the operation of scientific user facilities, resulting in more remote usage than in previous years. For more information on user statistics collection practices, visit
User Statistics by Project FY2020
2020 The COVID-19 global pandemic in fiscal year 2020 impacted the operation of scientific user facilities, resulting in less than planned operating time and increased remote usage than in previous years. The upgrade for the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests, or FACET-II, began operations in fiscal year 2020.
User Statistics by Institution FY2020
.XLS  2020 The COVID-19 global pandemic in fiscal year 2020 impacted the operation of scientific user facilities, resulting in less than planned operating time and increased remote usage than in previous years. The upgrade for the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests, or FACET-II, began operations in fiscal year 2020.
User Statistics by Project FY2019

2019 The FY 2019 project and individual users on each project. In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2019. Due to maintenance of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) facility for an extended period of time, there were no user statistics submitted for fiscal year 2019.
User Statistics by Institution FY2019

2019 The FY 2019 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution by individual user facility. In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2019. Due to maintenance of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) facility for an extended period of time, there were no user statistics submitted for fiscal year 2019.

User Statistics by Project FY2018



The FY 2018 project and individual users on each project.  In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2018.

User Statistics by Institution FY2018



The FY 2018 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution by individual user facility.  In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2018.

User Statistics by Project FY2017 .XLS

2017 The FY 2017 project level user statistics are listed by project and individual users on each project.  In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2017.  Alcator C-Mod, formerly sponsored by Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), is no longer considered an Office of Science user facility.
User Statistics by Institution FY2017 .XLS

2017 The FY 2017 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution.  In preparation for the FACET II upgrade, the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests (FACET) facility sponsored by High Energy Physics (HEP), did not receive users during the fiscal year 2017.  Alcator C-Mod, formerly sponsored by Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), is no longer considered an Office of Science user facility..
User Statistics by Project FY2016 .XLS

2016 The FY 2016 project level user statistics are listed by project and individual users on each project.
User Statistics by Institution FY2016 .XLS

2016 The FY 2016 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution.
User Statistics by Project FY2015 .XLS

2015 The FY 2015 project level user statistics are listed by project and individual users on each project.
User Statistics by Institution FY2015 .XLS

2015 The FY 2015 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution.
User Statistics by Institution FY2014  .XLS 

2014 The FY 2014 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution. 
User Statistics by Institution FY2013  .XLS 

2013  The FY 2013 institution level user statistics provides the number of users from each institution. The FY 2013 data does not include the Fermilab Accelerator Complex.