Consolidated Service Center

Determination Date Name of Action: Description Categorical Exclusion Number
3/3/2020 Office of Grants and Cooperative Agreements B3.6
2/11/2020 High-Performance Alkaline Membranes for Solar Applications B3.6
2/5/2020 Development of Big-Data Edge-Computing Analytic Framework for Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors B3.6, B3.8
8/27/2019 DIII-D National Fusion Program Research
Additional Narrative
B3.6, B3.13
8/27/2019 DIII-D National Fusion Program Research & Facility Operations and Advanced Fusion Technology Research and Development B3.6, B3.13
8/12/2019 Recovery of High Value Anode Materials for a Fully Closed Loop Li-Ion Battery Recycling Process B3.6
8/8/2019 Scalable Ultrahigh Conductive Transparent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films for High-Efficiency OLED Lighting B3.6
7/31/2019 Generic CX Operation and Maintenance of the Sanford Underground Research Facility A1, A2, B1.3, B1.7, B1.15, B1.16, B1.17, B1.31, B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.5, B3.1, B4.6, B4.11, B4.12, B4.13, B5.1, B5.2, B5.3, B5.4
7/26/2019 3100oF T-EBC Stable Coatings for SiC CMCs B3.6
7/18/2019 Discontinuous low-cost carbon fiber/bamboo fiber hybrid intermediates for lightweighting Vehicle Applications B3.6