Consolidated Service Center

Determination Date Name of Action: Description Categorical Exclusion Number
7/18/2019 Low-Temperature Chemical Looping Reforming Catalysts for Small-Footprint GTL B3.6
7/9/2019 Novel Blue Phosphorescent Emitter Materials for OLED Lighting B3.6
6/27/2019 Computational Materials Design of Functionally Graded Structures for Enhanced Cooling Plasma Facing Components via AM B3.6
6/27/2019 No Stress PFC Bonding Technology B3.6
6/14/2019 Sapphire Single Mode Fiber Development Towards High Temperature Radiation Resilient Sensors B3.6
5/28/2019 Development of an Optical‐based Single Well Seismic System (OSWS) for Improved Characterization and Monitoring of Fractures B3.6
6/11/2019 Novel Lightweight, Low-Cost Heliostat for Concentrating Solar Power B3.6
6/6/2019 Production of Platform Chemlcals by Bioconverslon of Plastlc Waste B3.6, B5.1
6/5/2019 Phase 1 SBIR: Development of a Flexible and Robust Patch Weld for Dry Nuclear Storage Casks B3.6
5/28/2019 Natural Gas Conversion to Acetic Acid B3.6