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DOE National Laboratory Scientists with Interest in Collaborating with SCGSR Awardees

Below is a non-exhaustive list providing contact information for some National Laboratory scientists that are interested in collaborating with the research of SCGSR awardees.

The structure of each entry is:
Name of the Scientiste-mail address – Name of the National Laboratory/Facility – Office of Science Research Program with whom the scientist’s work is best aligned
Brief description of the scientist’s research.

Sara Tejedor – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
The Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Demonstration Unit (ABPDU) from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is looking for graduate students to apply for the Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program The awarded student will work in the Biological Systems and Engineering Division as part of the ABPDU to assist with research assignments across multiple projects. The projects are focused on the conversion of carbon dioxide into useful products in bioreactors and electrochemical reactors in collaboration with other scientists from Berkeley lab and industry.

Susannah Burrows - – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
I'm an atmospheric physicist focused on advancing understanding of the processes controlling atmospheric aerosols and other trace constituents, and their interactions in the Earth System. I do this by developing, implementing, and advancing models that incorporate findings from laboratory, field, and remote sensing data, often in close collaboration with experimental and observational experts. I have a strong history of mentoring students and postdoctoral research associates throughout my career; former mentees have gone on to a variety of new roles in academia, research institutions, and the private sector.

Zhehui (Jeph) Wang - - Los Alamos National Laboratory - BES, FES, HEP, NP and DOE IP
Dr. Wang is a focus team leader at LANL. His research and collaborations cover many topics in experimental physics with strong ties to both fundamental physics and applied science. One of the recent directions is to apply the ideas and methods of data science to enhance measurements and data interpretation.

Nobuo Sato – – Jefferson Lab/theory center – NP
Research in nuclear tomography, perturbative QCD, phenomenology and machine learning.

Sally,  Brookhaven National Laboratory – HEP
My research centers around theoretical calculations for Higgs boson processes at future colliders and the study of new physics models involving electroweak symmetry breaking.

Ravi – Data Science and Learning Division, Argonne National Laboratory – ASCR
My group works in the intersection of computing and biomedicine where we develop methods that enable large-scale data analysis and application of deep learning to problems in biomedicine and health.

Aaron - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory - HEP
My main research interest is the study of Dark Energy using data from imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey and the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time.  We use the observation of hundreds of millions, or billions, of galaxies to study the accelerated expansion of the universe and the distribution of matter in the universe to better understand Dark Energy. Research opportunities include topics such as weak and strong gravitational lensing, photometric redshift calibration, point spread function estimation as well as studies of the LSST Camera’s operation and performance.

Martin Kunz - Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley Lab - BES
I am managing a synchrotron beamline that specializes in hard X-ray diffraction under non-ambient conditions. Specifically we are optimized for high-pressure/high-temperature work using laser heated diamond anvil cell and high-temperature/controlled atmospheres. These techniques are interesting for geophysics, environmental sciences and material science.

Bobby G. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences - BES
My research pursues molecular level understanding of materials structure, dynamics and functional properties through multifaceted integration of theory, simulations and experiments. On the theory/simulation side, we use large-scale electronic structure and molecular theory/simulations, often augmented with machine learning approaches, to formulate understanding of fundamental chemistry and physics of materials at the nano to mesoscales and to connect/match to experiments. A major emphasis is on the computational design of materials for energy, environment, and national security.

Franck – Argonne National Laboratory – ASCR
Research in large-scale computing system resilience and performance improvement, leveraging AI, data management, data reduction and fault tolerance. The team is developing VeloC ( and SZ ( 

Jian Zhi Hu - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - BES

Using operando magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy and computational modeling to study the mechanisms of direct air capture using ionic liquids or supported ionic liquid, the mechanism of catalytic reaction via heterogenous catalysts such as zeolites and metal oxides. 

Ramesh Jha - - Bioscience Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory – BER, BES
We are interested in protein engineering applied to synthetic biology and development of novel biocatalysts (enzymes or microbes) that can perform useful bioconversion for manufacturing and bioremediation. Our group works at the interface of computational protein modeling and experimentation, utilizing design and building of large genetic libraries and rapid testing using custom designed biosensors coupled to high throughput efficiency of flow cytometry. While the approach  increases the chances to find needle-in-a-haystack, it also provides a rich dataset that can be applied to machine learning approaches to further expedite Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle.

Steven R. Spurgeon – – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – BES, ASCR
The project will leverage advanced characterization techniques, such as high-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy, to generate large datasets of material structures and properties. These datasets will be used to train ML models to predict material properties, identify promising candidates for new materials, and guide material synthesis and processing. The project will also explore the use of autonomous experimentation to accelerate the discovery and optimization of new materials. The student will gain experience in a variety of areas, including materials science, AI/ML, and advanced characterization techniques. They will also have the opportunity to collaborate with leading researchers in the field and contribute to the development of new technologies for a sustainable energy future.

Jack – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Catalytic Carbon Transformation Center) – BER, BES
Jack focuses on CO2 utilization technologies, and leads experimental durability studies for low-temperature CO2 electrolyzers. Jack also works on techno-economic and life cycle analysis studies for CO2 utilization technologies.

Steve Elliott - - Los Alamos National Laboratory – NP, HEP
My research has focused on neutrino properties and dark matter. I am presently focused on neutrinoless double beta decay, a process that can determine if the neutrino is its own anti-particle. These ultra-low-background experiments also have sensitivity to a variety of beyond-the-standard model processes like certain dark matter models.

Zac Ward - - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - BES
Dr. Ward's research is directed at understanding and controlling quantum interactions in novel materials aimed at identifying transformative information and energy technologies of pressing economic and environmental need. Underpinning this effort is expertise in 1) single crystal film synthesis using pulsed laser deposition and light element ion implantation to tailor spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom; and 2) structural and functional characterization using labscale x-ray diffraction, magnetometry, transport characterization and beamline-based x-ray spectroscopy and neutron reflectometry.

David S. Ginley - - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - BES
Current work focuses on advancing solar, hydrogen and geothermal energy conversion and storage specifically in the areas of development and application of new materials by computational materials design in the areas of oxide based electronics, electrochemical hydrogen production, nano-materials and the development of process technology for materials and device development including; combinatorial methods, direct write materials, composite materials and non-vacuum processing for materials in extreme environments.  A key focus is looking at how to significantly reduce the cost of renewable energy technologies through novel devices and processing.

Leighton Coates - - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - BES
I am actively developing and simulating neutron instrumentation suitable for the Second Target Station of the Spallation Neutron Source. This involves developing and defining instrument sciences cases and using Monte Carlo simulation tools such as McStas and McVine to estimate instrument performance.

Timothy S. – Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore CA site – BES
We use state-of-the-art techniques in molecular spectroscopy, including broadband microwave spectroscopy and lasers operating in the infrared, ultraviolet, and vacuum ultraviolet, to study the structures and reactivity of molecular ions, neutral molecules, free radicals, and molecular clusters.  We cool our gas phase samples to within a few degrees of absolute zero in order to obtain well-resolved spectra, and to form molecular clusters.  To learn more, visit:

James Stegen - – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - BER
James Stegen is an internationally-recognized expert in ecological theory, the interface between microbial ecology and hydro-biogeochemistry, and distributed open watershed science. He is the lead investigator for research linking microbial communities and organic matter chemistry to river corridor biogeochemistry from local to global scales. Stegen also has demonstrated leadership in building multidisciplinary research teams that integrate computational simulation, experimentation, and observation.

John, -- Argonne National Laboratory - BES
Our work focuses on discovery synthesis and understanding of quantum materials, those materials whose unique properties derive from collective behavior of electrons at the atomic scale.  We grow crystals of target materials designed to explore specific issues in quantum matter and then study them either within the group or across a broad collaborator network.  Some of the kinds of phenomena we pursue include exotic superconductors, quantum magnets, and topological materials.

Benjamin – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
My research sits at the intersection of quantum information science and materials science.  I probe and manipulate the nanoscale to mesoscale processes that drive superconducting quantum devices, I use quantum light sources to probe basic material properties with classically inaccessible sensitivity, and I control new quantum light sources in nanophotonic materials.

Moinuddin Ahmed - – Argonne National Laboratory – BES, HEP
I’m involved in a research and development of in-situ failure analysis and radiation reliability of power electronic device and component. We investigate fundamental physics behind failure through accelerated stress and observation using hard x-ray. We also investigate long term reliability of power electronic device/ detector under radiation and other extreme environment and develop failure prediction model.

Max – Argonne National Laboratory – BES
The goal of the Catalysis Science Program at Argonne is to understand how catalytic processes can be controlled through modulation of the electronic interactions between supported organometallic catalysts and non-innocent surfaces.  We study the interplay between earth-abundant metal active sites and support surfaces with a focus on selective alkene C-C bond formation and cleavage, including olefin oligomerization, metathesis, and polymer upcycling. We employ ex situ, in situ, and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements to elucidate active species and their corresponding mechanisms within supported catalysts for olefin upgrading and polymer upcycling.

Byeongdu – Argonne National Laboratory/Advanced Photon Source – BES
I am studying nanoparticle supercrystals using small angle x-ray scattering and ptychgraphic x-ray microscopy, and also interested in utilizing robotics for x-ray data acquisition with help of machine learning. My another research area of interest is the polymer upcycling and related x-ray characterization.

Xuan Li - - Los Alamos National Laboratory Physics division – NP
Dr. Li is leading the silicon vertex and tracking detector developments and associated heavy flavor physics studies for the future Electron-Ion Collider. She is exploring the hadronization processes with hard probes at the sPHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.

Takeyasu Ito - - Los Alamos National Laboratory - NP
We study the consistency of the standard model of particle physics and what may lie beyond it, by making precision measurements of neurons properties such as the electric dipole moment, neutron lifetime, and neutron decay correlations, using ultracold neutrons. The projects/experiments that we are currently involved in include: nEDM@SNS, LANL nEDM, UCNτ, UCNτ+, and UCNA+.

Matthew Bird – – Brookhaven National Laboratory (Accelerator Center for Energy Research) – BES
We study fundamental molecular electron and energy transfer processes using a technique called pulse radiolysis (PR). PR complements transient photoexcitation spectroscopy and electrochemistry by enabling the rapid one electron reduction or oxidation of a solute followed by the probing of kinetics in the UV/vis/nearIR/IR/microwave. Our primary research interests concern solar energy capture and storage in systems such as solar cells and photocatalysts.

Peter Denton - - Brookhaven National Lab - HEP
My research covers a broad range of areas theoretical and phenomenological high energy theory. I study neutrinos and how they oscillate, what new interactions they might have, and how they behave on the largest scales, as well as black holes, dark matter, and other extreme astrophysical environments. I prioritize mentorship and the training up of junior scientists in my work.

Richard Van de Water - - Los Alamos National Laboratory – HEP, NP
The Coherent Captain Mills (CCM) experiment has begun a three year search for accelerator produced dark matter, axions, and other potential dark sector particles.  The CCM experiment is a 10 ton liquid argon fast detector operating 23 meters from the LANSCE stopped pion source that delivers intense 800 MeV protons on a tungsten target.  Running and data analysis is ongoing.

Kelly – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – NP
Research is focused on studying the nuclear reactions that power explosive astrophysical environments, both through direct measurements of the reactions of interest in the laboratory, or through indirect techniques which probe the relevant nuclear properties and allow for calculation of stellar reaction rates.

Carlos E.M. Wagner - - Theory Group, Argonne National Laboratory - HEP
I work on phenomenology of particle physics, concentrating on all aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model. This includes both the interpretation of experimental measurements, as well as the associated model building. I am particularly interested in the implication of Higgs precision measurements, the search for new physics at the LHC, Dark Matter, precision measurements of charged lepton properties, neutrino and flavor physics, as well as the explanations of the origin of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry.   

Mark J. Hogan - - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory - HEP
The Advanced Accelerator Research Department at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory develops and executes experiments in high-gradient plasma acceleration using the unique facilities at SLAC including FACET-II. FACET-II is a National User Facility in the middle kilometer of the SLAC linear accelerator facility that supports experimental programs combining high energy electron beams and their interaction will lasers, plasmas and solids. SCGSR students will work with other physicists, postdocs, and graduate students from SLAC and external collaborations to develop, conduct and analyze experiments at FACET-II.

Jeffrey M Warren - - Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BER
My research investigates how terrestrial ecosystems adapt to changes in the environment, including subtle or severe abiotic or biotic disturbances. Much of my work is focused on plant ecophysiology and soil-plant water relations, and how key mechanistic processes can be better represented in, and scaled to terrestrial biosphere models. As an empiricist, I conduct experiments and make measurements in the field and in the lab, which include assessment of photosynthesis, respiration and tree water use, and their response to drought, heat or atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Swarup– Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
Our research areas include atmospheric aerosol properties and processes, atmospheric chemistry, heterogeneous ice nucleation, and aerosol-cloud interactions. We utilize field studies, laboratory measurements, and off-line analysis with multi-modal analytical techniques, such as microscopy, spectroscopy, and high-resolution mass spectrometry to study atmospheric processes and interactions between ecosystems.

Sylvester Joosten - - Argonne National Laboratory – NP
I am an experimental nuclear physicist who studies features and emergent phenomena of the strong interaction, such as the origin of the proton mass. My program focuses on electron scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab in Halls C, the upcoming SoLID experiment, and the EPIC experiment at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). My expertise lies in exclusive channels such as deeply-virtual meson production, semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, detector design for high-luminosity environments, and scientific software and computing for future large-scale experiments.

Zili Wuwuz1@ornl.ogv – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Chemical Science Division and Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences – BES
Heterogeneous catalysis of natural gas and CO2 conversion; in situ/operando spectroscopy and neutron scattering of surface chemistry and catalytic structures.

Daniel Abraham – Argonne National Laboratory – BES (Fundamental Electrochemistry for Chemical and Material Sciences)
My current research is on lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries: it includes the development and evaluation of electrode and electrolyte materials that enable high-energy, high-performance, long-life cells. We use a suite of electrochemistry, X-ray, microscopy, and spectroscopy tools to examine performance of battery cells and determine material/electrode degradation mechanisms. Our studies include the use of in-situ/operando methods to examine dynamic behavior of electrode-electrolyte interfaces under various (including extreme) cycling conditions.

Sage Bauers – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – BES
Dr. Bauers’ research in the materials discovery and design group at NREL is focused on the identification, synthesis, and characterization of new energy materials. He applies high throughput combinatorial methods in thin film formats to study inorganic materials for several applications such as solar absorbers, permanent magnets, radiation detectors, and microelectronics. For more information, visit Dr. Bauers’ NREL staff page:

Eli Rotenberg – Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
My group uses state-of-the-art electron photoemission spectroscopy probes (ARPES, nanoARPES, and PEEM machines) to investigate the electronic structure, chemical composition, and morphology of quantum materials that may have interesting applications in new low-energy microelectronics or quantum information systems. We use advanced techniques in sample preparation and sample environments (applied strain, current, fields), as well as machine learning/AI techniques to collect and interpret data.

Miguel –Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences – BES, BER
I use computational physics and deep learning techniques to investigate the properties of nanomaterials, microbial organelles and microbial populations. I also collaborate and support external users of the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, and mentor undergraduate and graduate students.

John – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – HEP, NP
High Energy Physics (HEP) research into the direct detection of dark matter using cryogenic sensors. Research sub-focus on background mitigation and analysis to extend sensitivity reach. Specific topics of work with students include cosmogenic background production, mitigation, and estimation as well as overall background modeling. Nuclear Physics (NP) research into the observation of neutrinoless double beta to determine properties of the neutrino. Research sub-focus on design and optimization of time projection chamber design to measure decay of xenon-136. Specific topics of work with students include calibration methods and charge detector modeling.

Dula, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Advanced Light Source – ASCR, BES, BER
Micron-scale imaging in 3-dimensions using synchrotron-based hard X-ray micro-tomography. Science applications include materials science, biology, and earth science. Machine learning and computer vision approaches are developed on high perfomance computers to analyse and quantify images.

Huibo – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Neutron Scattering Facilities – BES
I am exploring novel magnetic states, complex magnetic textures, and their controlling in frustrated, topological, and low-dimensional magnets. My expertise is single crystal diffraction for magnetism and structure with neutrons and X-rays.  I am also interested in applying Artificial Intelligence and Machining Learning in optimizing experiments and automating data analysis.

Daniel Jacobson - – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ASCR, BER, BES
My research in computational systems biology focuses on understanding the complex sets of interactions of molecules of all types (across all omics layers) in cells that lead to phenotypes, traits and disease states in organisms and how all of that is conditional on the surrounding environment.  We focus on the the development and subsequent use of mathematical, statistical  and explainable-AI methods on biological datasets (in a supercomputing context) in order to yield new insights into complex biological systems, including grand challenges in bioenergy, sustainable agriculture, ecosystems, zoonotic spillover and human health (and the intersections among those areas, i.e., One Health).  My lab was the first group to perform an exascale calculation and holds the current record for the fastest calculation done in human history (9.4 Exaops).

Gauthier – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – DOE IP, BES, BER
Keywords: Radiochemistry, hydrometallurgy, speciation, spectroscopy, heavy elements. My research focuses on the interactions between metal ions and chelators (natural small molecules, synthetic molecules, and macroligands such as proteins and polyoxometalates) with implications spanning from separation technologies to nuclear medicine, fundamental actinide and lanthanide sciences, strategic metal mining, metal cycling in the environment, and nuclear waste management.

Daniel – Los Alamos National Laboratory – ASCR
I am leading the fluid dynamics team within the LANL/ CCS Division and am the PI for DOE/NNSA Office of Experimental Sciences program on Direct Numerical Simulations as well as several other computational physics projects. My research interests are in the general areas of theoretical and computational fluid mechanics, using a combination of high performance computing tools, data-driven models, and physical concepts.

Donna Post Guillen - – Idaho National Laboratory – ASCR, BES
Continuum, molecular, and atomistic computational modeling of clean energy systems, materials, and thermal fluid systems. X-ray and neutron beamline experiments, computational methods, tools and software for data analysis, visualization, application development, machine learning and artificial intelligence, numerical simulation, and design optimization. Application areas include thermoelectrics, waste heat recovery, combustion, heat exchangers, power conversion systems, nuclear reactors, irradiated and unirradiated materials experiments, corrosion, waste vitrification, and advanced manufacturing (direct ink writing, digital light processing, laser powder bed fusion, spark plasma sintering).

Sergio – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory  - ARDAP, BES, HEP
Photon and particle sources are powerful tools with extremely high societal impact because they underpin myriad groundbreaking scientific, technological, and medical advancements. X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL) are the flagship of these instruments, which in the relatively short time since their advent have demonstrated the capacity to reveal conformational dynamics in biomolecules and ultrafast chemistry at atomic-level spatial and femtosecond temporal resolutions. Motivated by this overarching relevance, our group's research is founded on the unification of quantum and nonlinear optics and laser-matter interactions to develop instruments capable of tackling grand fundamental questions in physics, chemistry, and biology.

Ritimukta – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource – BES
My research interests are in applying x-ray spectroscopy and theoretical methods to understand the electronic and structural details of molecular homogeneous catalysts. Specific research thrusts include the study of metalloenzyme intermediates, bonding in organometallic complexes, novel multimetallic inorganic compound, and homogeneous electrocatalysts.

Alan Rhoades - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – ASCR, BES, BER
As an early career global and regional systems modeler, I have a keen interest in understanding mountainous water cycle processes, how they might influence water resource management, and how the scientific community might better help water managers preemptively adapt to their changes..

James L. Young – – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – BES
Dr. Young leads projects in photoelectrochemistry, low-temperature water electrolysis, electrochemical ammonia synthesis, and hydrogen storage. Additional research interests include materials electrochemistry, electrochemical devices, solar fuels, carbon capture and conversion, and nitrogen reduction.

Christopher – Argonne National Laboratory – BES
The research is associated with batteries and electrochemical energy storage.  We synthesize, characterize and test new chemistries and materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries.  Modeling and post-test analysis of cells complete the efforts in this project.

Johannes – Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Institute for Integrated Catalysis – BES
The research addresses fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis enabling energy transition, carbon recycling, and improving existing chemical processes. Focus lies on investigations on fundamental aspects of catalytic transformations for adding and removing hydrogen and filmmaking and breaking carbon-carbon bonds. Special emphasis is given to reactions in condensed phases that enable higher activity through utilization of the local dynamic arrangement around active sites.

Hailong – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
Hailong Wang has wide-ranging research interests in atmospheric aerosols, cloud physics and dynamics, light-absorbing impurities in snowpack and sea ice, radiative feedbacks, and high-latitude systems. He has worked to develop modeling capabilities for representing aerosols and aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in process-oriented atmospheric models and Earth system models, including the DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM).

Hans A. Bechtel - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Advanced Light Source – BER, BES
As a staff scientist at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), I develop and operate state-of-the art infrared instrumentation to perform label-free, spectroscopic imaging of novel samples in collaboration with users having diverse scientific interests. By combining the high brightness and broad bandwidth of the ALS infrared beamlines with the sensitivity and spatial resolution of atomic force microscopy, we achieve nanoscale infrared spectroscopic measurements with a spatial resolution of less than 20 nm, spanning the far-infrared and mid-infrared regions. 

Ben – PNNL – BER
Terrestrial ecology, particularly forest disturbances and resilience; carbon cycling, focusing on soil respiration and greenhouse gases; simple system modeling; and data synthesis and meta-analysis. Dr. Bond-Lamberty works at the multidisciplinary JGC Research Institute in College Park, MD, and has wide collaborations with researchers in academia, national labs, and government.

Wally Melnitchouk - - Jefferson Lab - NP
Quantum correlation functions (QCFs) describe the spatial, momentum, and spin distributions of quarks and gluons inside hadrons. This research uses modern theoretical tools from quantum chromodynamics, together with state of the art Monte Carlo simulations and analysis techniques, to extract QCFs from experimental high-energy scattering data taken at accelerator facilities worldwide. Typically research projects involve a combination of analytical and computational components, such as the calculation of scattering amplitudes and fitting various QCFs to experimental data.

Anatoly – Brookhaven National Laboratory / Chemistry Division – BES
Single atom and nanoparticle catalysts, Catalytic mechanisms, operando characterization, X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, development of machine learning methods for catalyst characterization and modeling.

Dillon D. Fong - — Argonne National Laboratory – BES
It is well-known that new materials are key to overcoming many hurdles in the development of future microelectronics including improvements in energy efficiency and eliminating the need for critical elements. Although a variety of synthesis techniques now exist for building materials atomic plane-by-atomic plane, there exist many basic questions regarding their interfacial structure and properties at atomic scale. Our aim is to synthesize and investigate these unique heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy and pulsed laser deposition in combination with synchrotron X-ray scattering and other in situ techniques, probing the properties of new materials and understanding how they are constructed.

J. Taylor - Argonne National Laboratory – ASCR, HEP, NP
I scale and run simulations and artificial intelligence algorithms on DOE supercomputers. I worked at CERN as a member of the ATLAS experiment for six years and therefore have a focus on High Energy Physics simulation and analysis.

Vijay – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
His research focuses on  charge/mass transfer across heterogeneous interfaces and materials.  He works toward building multimodal spectroscopic tools to explore chemical stability and resiliency of energy storage materials. His research focuses on developing structure-property-performance correlation on electrode and electrolyte materials.

Judit Zá – Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA – BES
I am a computational physical chemist focusing on theoretical chemical kinetics, with a strong emphasis on the creation of automated frameworks to characterize chemical reactivity over complicated potential energy surfaces. I am interested in combustion and atmospheric chemistry, as well as gas-surface interactions in heterogeneous catalysis, and often collaborate with experimental colleagues. You can read more about my research at

Kavin – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – HEP
Materials science and engineering of beam-intercepting materials for high-power target accelerator facilities. Studying beam-induced thermal shock and radiation damage effects in conventional (graphite, titanium and beryllium) and novel (high-entropy alloy and electrospun nanofiber) beam-intercepting materials.

Eoin Brodie - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER
Research in our group focuses on the role of microbes in global biogeochemical cycles including carbon sequestration in soils. We use methods in genomics, biochemistry, microbial cultivation, imaging, stable isotopes, bioinformatics and machine learning, as well as numerical modeling to discover microbial fitness traits, and predict how microbes influence their environment and how their environment influences them. We perform research from the scale of individual microbes to entire watersheds where we integrate microbial studies with many other scientific disciplines.

V. Ovidiu –  Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ Spallation Neutron Source/ Neutron Scattering Division – BES
Dr. Garlea studies strongly correlated electron systems and quantum magnets using diffraction and inelastic scattering techniques using polarized and unpolarized neutrons. The research topics he is currently pursuing include: (i) exotic magnetic ground states, such as noncolinear magnetic orders or spin-liquids, arising from competing magnetic interactions, (ii) the interplay of spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom in functional materials and, (iii) magnetic excitations in low dimensional quantum systems.

Ian Cloët - - Argonne National Laboratory – ASCR, NP
My research focuses on understanding the structure and dynamics of matter in the visible universe, that is, subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and ultimately atomic nuclei. The building blocks of this matter are elementary particles called quarks and gluons, whose interactions are described by a theory called quantum chromodynamics (QCD). I use analytical methods and numerical approaches to understand this matter using QCD, and emergent phenomena such as the origin of the proton mass and the confinement of quarks and gluons by forces so strong that these particles can never be observed in isolation.

Alessandro – Brookhaven National Laboratory – HEP, NP 
The development and construction of silicon detectors for precision tracking and/or timing capabilities for several applications in science, such as HEP, NP, space, QIS, imaging etc. Electroweak physics at the LHC with the ATLAS experiment. Prospect studies for future HEP colliders, such as Higgs factories and multi-TeV colliders.  

Gregg T. – National Renewable Energy Laboratory – BES, BER
Gregg Beckham works in bioenergy and plastics recycling and redesign, using a broad suite of tools from synthetic biology, heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, separations, polymer science and engineering, and computational modeling. For bioenergy, we focus on the development of realistic processes for the valorization of lignin and carbohydrates into performance-advantaged bioproducts. In plastics recycling and redesign, we develop catalytic and biocatalytic processes to deconstruct today’s plastics into novel building blocks that can be converted into new, recyclable-by-design polymers.

Kevin – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES, BER
My research is focused on understanding rates and mechanisms of chemical processes at mineral/water interfaces, including nucleation and crystal growth, dissolution, and electron transfer.  The goal is to learn how to connect molecular to mesoscale phenomena, seeking generalizable insights, using a combination of spectroscopy, microscopy, and computational molecular simulations.

Zhaowen Tang - - Los Alamos National Laboratory – NP
Ultracold neutrons (UCN) are neutrons with kinetic energy less than 350 nano-electron-volts. At this energy, the neutrons can be stored inside a trap for hundreds of seconds, thus making them an ideal tool for fundamental symmetry physics experiments. In particular, I am interested in using UCN to measure the neutron beta decay lifetime and its differential decay cross section.

Wesley Ketchum - - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - HEP
I am interested in neutrinos, performing research in the study of their interactions and exploring the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, using Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs). I am involved in MicroBooNE, the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab, and DUNE, designing and developing data acquisition systems for these detectors and performing analysis on their large datasets. I am also studying the connection between electron and neutrino interactions, working with the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) to make electron scattering measurements that can improve our understanding and modeling of neutrino interactions.

Robert S. – Argonne National Laboratory - BES
High temperature gas phase chemical kinetics experiments elucidate the chemistry of radicals and molecules. The research has relevance to a broad range of topics including energy production, particle formation and high temperature materials synthesis. The experimental methods  use shock waves to create reaction conditions and optical and mass spectrometric methods re used to probe the reaction chemistries, often in collaboration with theoretical analyses.

Gabriel M. Veith – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
Gabriel’s research focuses on interfaces for electrochemical systems including batteries and electrocatalyst, processing science of electrochemical systems, and surface characterization of these materials. 

Lilin –Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Neutron Scattering Division – BES
Dr. He’s research interests lie in the area of characterizing disordered materials using scattering techniques, ranging from soft matter and polymers, porous materials for energy and environmental  applications, to biomolecules under a variety of conditions.

Nick Gnedin - -  Fermilab – HEP, ASCR
Dr. Gnedin is a cosmological theorist. His main focus is on using numerical simulations for modeling the formation and evolution of cosmic structures and their connections to fundamental physics. He is also interested in modern high performance computing and numerical algorithms.

Jason – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – BES
I am interested in the advancement of additive manufacturing of atypical metals, a field that resides at the intersections between fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, materials physics, and engineering. Our research group uses simulation tools to guide innovative metal droplet ejection designs, fabricates test-bed devices, examines the structural properties of the as-printed outputs, and explores the resulting performance metrics for those components.

Simon Roux - - DOE Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. – ASCR, BER
At the DOE Joint Genome Institute, I lead the Viral Genomics group where we explore viruses of microbes and their impacts on ecosystems using primarily multi ‘omics data analysis. Our current projects include the study of viral diversity and virus:host interactions in soil and freshwater environments, along with the development of new bioinformatics tools and experimental protocols to probe and characterize uncultivated viruses. The long-term goal is to understand the ecological and evolutionary drivers of virus:host dynamics in natural microbial communities.

Charles Young - - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory - HEP
We work on the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, and welcome all students who are interested in the LHC. The focus of our current activities are in tracker upgrade (known as ITk Pixel), detector performance tools (such as flavor tagging and ML) and physics analysis (especially topics related to the Higgs boson).

John C. Linehan - - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
Operando high-pressure spectroscopy (NMR, FTIR, UV-Vis, other) as related to homogeneous catalysis.  Especially the catalytic conversion of CO2 to formate, methanol and other hydrocarbons.

Noah Kurinsky - – SLAC – HEP
Quantum sensing for dark matter searches, studying quasiparticle poisoning in superconducting devices. My group fabricates and tests novel sensor designs and performs shallow-site dark matter searches with new detector technologies. We also study source of quasiparticle poisoning that limit coherence times of superconducting qubits.

Noemi Rocco - - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – HEP, NP
My research focus is based on studying how neutrinos interact with atomic nuclei in the energy region relevant for oscillation experiments and in particular for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment which will run at Fermilab. To this aim, I model and simulate nuclear structure and electroweak interactions using quantum Monte Carlo techniques leveraging high performance computing resources. 

Johanna Nelson Weker – – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – BES
My research interests are in characterizing dynamic systems with synchrotron-based X-ray tools, particularly X-ray microscopy. My research focuses primarily on electrochemical energy storage such as Li-ion batteries, but also includes separation processes in water and metal additive manufacturing. 

Daniel S. Slaughter - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Dan Slaughter researches the underlying mechanisms of the intramolecular and intermolecular flow of charge and energy that drive chemical reactions and molecular transformations. His focus is on the development and application of experimental techniques that access fundamental dynamics initiated by photons and low energy electrons, such as dissociation, isomerization, charge- and energy-transfer. The relevant experimental tools include ultrafast lasers to track the motion electrons and molecules in real time, and X-rays to access deep electron orbitals that are specific to an atomic site within a molecule.

Jeff – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – BES
Dr. Blackburn studies charge transfer, energy transfer, and excited state dynamics in low-dimensional materials for energy conversion and storage. His research interests include solar photoconversion, energy-efficient information processing (e.g. neuromorphic), thermoelectric energy conversion, and (photo)catalytic processes. He studies a wide range of semiconductors and materials, including metal-halide perovskites, single-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, monolayer semiconductors, semiconductor nanocrystals, and other low-dimensional semiconductors.

Trent R. Northern - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - BER
The Northen laboratory focuses on understanding the role of exogenous small molecule metabolites in mediating microbial interactions with other microbes and plant hosts and how these processes impact terrestrial carbon cycling. A long-term goal of the Northen lab is to help harness plants and microbes for sustainable agriculture and soil carbon restoration. 

Radu Custelcean – – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES (Basic Science for Clean Energy and Decarbonization)
Dr. Custelcean’s research interests are in the areas of self-assembled molecules and materials for environmental and energy applications, separation science and technology, supramolecular chemistry, and crystal engineering. Over the past 7 years, Dr. Custelcean has been involved in basic and applied research directed toward direct air capture (DAC) using aqueous organic bases such as amino acids or guanidines, and employing principles of physical organic chemistry and crystal engineering. His ultimate goal is to develop energy-efficient, cost-effective DAC technologies.

Mark Hunter - - SLAC National Laboratory - BER
Dr. Mark Hunter is a biophysicist at the Linac Coherent Light Source exploring experimental and computational studies for time-resolved studies in biophysics. High spatially and temporally resolved data can shed light on how these complicated molecules function in time and allow us a much deeper and comprehensive understanding of how biology achieves these amazing tasks. My department focuses on the development of time-resolved crystallography, single particle imaging of nonperiodic objects and advanced computational approaches to the interpretation of our data.

Peter Walter - - SLAC National Laboratory - BES
Peter has worked in National Laboratories in Germany and the United States. He is most recognized for his leading role of the development of the Time-resolved atomic, Molecular and Optical Science (TMO) instrument at LCLS. Peter focus lies on the development of next generation instrumentation and diagnostics for free electron lasers. 

Peter – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER, BES
I work on questions of biogeochemistry and how they impact important natural cycles including carbon, water, and other key species. My work researches from surface soils down into deep groundwater systems.  I tend to use a lot of synchrotron based spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in my investigations. 

Ariel – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – HEP
Ariel Schwartzman’s lab explores the universe at its most fundamental level using the highest energy hadron collider experiment in the world and novel large-scale quantum atomic sensor networks. At the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, we are expanding the exploration of exotic decays of the Higgs boson that could be connected with the mystery of dark matter, develop deep learning algorithms for pattern recognition and physics event reconstruction with an emphasis in jets, and investigate innovative machine learning trigger algorithms to enhance the discovery potential of the LHC.  Our group is designing and testing the next generation of ultrafast timing readout chips to enable 10ps resolution in high-granularity detectors for future colliders. Pico-second timing for 4-dimensional trackers and calorimetry is a hallmark of future experimental capabilities.

Nolan Wilson - - National Renewable Energy Laboratory - ASCR, BES
Our work focuses on the development of materials and products from bio-based or waste resources. We develop and apply computational methods such as AI/ML or molecular simulations to enable efficient discovery of sustainable materials. Our experimental work focuses on the separation, synthesis, and characterization of sustainable polymers and critical materials to enable a more circular economy

Yaniv – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – BES
Our research explores sources of noise and decoherence for superconducting quantum computing. We look at the material challenges involved in fabricating qubits which span the gamut from cosmic rays exciting quasi-particles in the superconductors to amorphous material defects resonantly interfering with qubits. At the moment we are looking at higher energy levels of the LLNL qudit testbed to explore the sources of different noise effects.

Rebecca – Idaho National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Fushimi’s research group uses transient kinetic methods to deconvolve complex reaction phenomena that govern the performance of heterogeneous catalysis used in chemical manufacturing of small molecules (e.g., ammonia, olefins, oxygenates, etc.).  The primary focus is use of the Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) methodology, and the group is innovating new methods for time-resolved vibrational and electronic spectroscopy as well as the interaction of electric fields with chemical reaction steps. 

Roberto Alonso-Mori – – SLAC National Accelerator Facility / LCLS – BES
I'm currently a Lead Scientist and the group lead of the Biochemistry and Condensed Phase Chemistry Group of LCLS (SLAC). This group is responsible for experiments on ultrafast photochemical dynamics in condensed phase performed at multiple LCLS instruments. My Interest lies in the use of X-ray spectroscopy techniques to study the electronic structure in material science and geo/biochemical systems with an emphasis on the development and application of time-resolved spectroscopy-based techniques and the development of advanced X-ray spectroscopy instrumentation and optics at synchrotron radiation and X-ray free electron laser sources.

Antoine – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/Advanced Light Source – BES
The Advanced Light Source (ALS) is a light source facility operating the soft x-ray regime, providing advanced characterization tools (e.g. imaging, spectroscopy) to over a thousand users every year. The Photon Science Development team works on advancing new instrumentation and computational tools to provide new experimental capabilities. We are currently developing adaptive and diffractive optics for coherent soft x-rays, together with machine learning techniques, to enable new coherent x-ray science after the upgrade of the facility (ALS-U.)

Paul E. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BER
Our research contributes to interdisciplinary science that integrates large-scale systems biology (i.e., genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other “-omics”) with computational biology and systems-scale modeling to comprehensively understand the fundamental principles driving biological systems under changing conditions. Our major research focus is on the development and application of new innovative, high-throughput, mass spectrometry-based approaches to study complex biological systems, such as plants and their associated microbial communities.

Xiaohui Qu – Brookhaven National Lab, The Center for Functional Nanomaterials - BES
We develop analytics pipelines to interpret the X-ray absorption spectroscopic data in functional materials characterization. In particular, we use machine learning to drive scientific discovery and to extract more valuable information from the data. At the same time, we develop transfer learning techniques to bridge the gap between simulated data and experimental data.

Viviana Cavaliere – – Brookhaven National Laboratory – HEP 
My research interests lie in the experimental high-energy physics frontier. I work on the ATLAS experiment at CERN studying the properties of the Higgs boson, looking for beyond the Standard Model Higgs physics, and making sure we harvest all the data from the Large Hadron Collider with an advanced trigger and data acquisition system.

Michael – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
Lithium batteries are essential for the storage of renewable energy, but lithium shortages are already slowing battery deployment. Either new sources of lithium or batteries made from more abundant elements, or both, are needed. This graduate project will support a multidisciplinary team of geoscientists and battery researchers synthesizing new battery materials directly from minerals, bypassing the most carbon intensive aspects of current battery supply chains and discovering novel materials synthesis pathways from abundant natural sources.

Yuxin Wu - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER, BES
My group conducts interdisciplinary research with a focus on the development and joint utilization of multi-geophysical characterization and sensing tools for a broad range of energy and environmental challenges. This ranges from the fundamental processes at the mineral-fluid interfaces to ecohydrological dynamics across soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in both natural and agricultural systems.

Chengjun – Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory – BES
A brief description of your research: My research focuses on the application of hard x-ray spectroscopic techniques including X-ray absorption fine structure, X-ray emission spectroscopy, and X-ray microprobe with fluorescence mapping etc. to investigate the short-range order and electronic structure in materials science, chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics, in combination with machine learning (ML) methods such as unsupervised ML, supervised ML, and genetic algorithm for data processing and analysis.

Bjoern – Brookhaven National Laboratory – NP
High energy nuclear physics phenomenology ranging from numerical description of heavy ion collisions to effective field theory calculations of the partonic structure of hadrons and nuclei. My work is predominantly numerical but requires both numerical and analytic work.

Jason – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
My research program is centered on how to use computational methods and algorithms to investigate biological outcomes. I focus on multi-omics data integration, network analysis, and machine learning. I work on soil microbiomes, protein function prediction, and characterizing the virome.

Xiaoyi – Argonne National Laboratory/Advanced Photon Source – BER, BES
1. Understand the ultrafast dynamics and structural-functional correlations of solar energy conversion processes using various time-resolved laser spectroscopy and X-ray techniques. 2. Develop state-of-art, time-resolved X-ray capabilities at synchrotrons.

Nick – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory – BER
I study how terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems function and interact across the continuum of land, inland waters, the ocean, and the atmosphere. I primarily focus is on carbon as the currency that gets exchanged across this continuum and seek to understand how the flow of water, productivity of plants, and cycling of nutrients and redox sensitive species collectively mediate these carbon exchanges. A major goal of this research is establishing a baseline understanding of how ecosystems function naturally, which is needed to predict the influence of disturbances and human activities on hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes.

Arthur P. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
Baddorf’s research focuses on materials exhibiting new or unusual characteristics due to nanostructures, electron correlations, or quantum interactions. The goal is to advance scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spectroscopies to obtain a fundamental understanding of the atomic and electronic structures in materials to discover new relationships applicable to energy and information sciences.

Chao – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – ASCR, BES, NP
My research focuses on numerical methods for scientific computing with applications in quantum physics, chemistry and materials science. I am also interested in machine learning and quantum algorithms.

Patrick – Los Alamos National Laboratory – BER
My research team tackles a wide range of projects that span a number of disparate topics, from environmental biosurveillance, general microbial evolution and host adaptation, microbial interactions and genomics and bioinformatics methods development and standardization. The group cross cuts microbiology investigations with some focus on fungal host interactions with other microbial components, and integrates a variety of technologies (multiomics, microscopy, microfabrication) with novel data analysis method development. We are interested in incorporating existing knowledge of genomes and molecular function to help predict the behavior of biological systems, such that in the future, we may perform targeted microbial community engineering to steer biological system functioning.

Jinghua – Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – BES
I am interested in Operando soft x-ray spectroscopy for interfacial chemical processes in batteries, electrochemical catalysts, catalysts, hydrogen production and storage, and environmental science.

Ralph – Los Alamos National Laboratory – NP
My research interest lies in neutrino physics, in particular neutrinoless double beta decay and sterile neutrino searches. I am also interested in other low-background signatures and other rare-decay searches.

Anže – Brookhaven National Laboratory – HEP
I work in experimental and theoretical cosmology trying to understand that basic mechanism that govern the evolution of our Universe. I'm involved in optical galaxy surveys such as Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) on the Vera Rubin Observatory and radio instrumentation to measure cosmic Dark Ages from the far side of the Moon.

Mathew J. Cherukara mcherukara@anl.govAdvanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory – BES
I am the Group Leader of the Computational X-ray Science group at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. My research leverages AI for autonomous experimentation, materials characterization (metrology) beyond hardware limits and accelerated materials modeling. Examples include novel AI-enabled nanoscale imaging methods, AI-developed physical models and AI-driven experiments. #AI4Science

An-Ping – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences –BES
Science-driven synthesis and the fundamental physical properties of low-dimensional and quantum materials. The research activities involve in experimental determinations of structural, electronic, transport, and magnetic properties for energy and quantum information science applications. Techniques employed are scanning tunneling microscopy (single-tip and multiple-tip), molecular beam epitaxy, on-surface chemical reactions.

Aaron – Los Alamos National Laboratory – BES
Our research is focused on developing new complexes of the actinides in order to study the fundamental connection between their electronic structure and observed reactivity. Implementation of this research begins at ligand design, where new supporting scaffolds are developed that are designed to enhance the unique characteristics of actinide behavior. We employ a suite of spectroscopic characterization techniques to characterize these complexes, attempt to predict their behavior, and contextualize our results with lanthanides and select transition metals.

Simon R – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – BES
At Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsouce (SSRL), my group, funded by DOE-BES, the Consortium for Operando and Advanced Catalyst Characterization via Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (Co-ACCESS) provides capability to the catalysis science community to apply the capabilities at SSRL into their research. The focus is on all aspects of in-situ or in-operando catalyst characterization using mainly x-ray absorption spectroscopy to identify the active phase/active site in the catalyst.

Gregory – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
My research aims to understand molecular-level interactions and molecular assembly in soft and hybrid materials to develop insights into the connections between chemical structure and performance. This includes materials for applications ranging from energy conversion devices to water purification. These studies leverage a range of capabilities, especially synchrotron-based x-ray scattering and spectroscopy tools to probe morphology, chemistry, and interfaces.

Markus Eisenbach – – Oak Ridge National Laboratory / National Center for Computational Sciences – ASCR, BES
Dr. Eisenbach research interests focus on the first principles based calculations of physical properties of alloys, magnetic materials and functional materials using high performance computing. He develops and utilizes scalable codes for these problems that combine first principles density functional calculations with effective models to investigate the ground state properties and the finite temperature statistical mechanics both in ideal materials and the effect of defects and disorder on material properties.

Virendra P. – Argonne National Laboratory – BER
Clouds are one of the biggest sources of uncertainty in understanding earth systems. Our research focuses on the dynamic, thermodynamic, and radiative processes within cloudy boundary layers, with an ultimate goal of improving their understanding and representation in atmospheric models. To this end, we use data collected by several instruments together with radiative transfer and high resolution atmospheric models.

Yigit – Los Alamos National Laboratory – ASCR, BES
My main research area is theoretical quantum information science. Specifically, I develop algorithms for quantum quantum computers and analyze their complexity. I also work on nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.

Sujoy – Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – BES
My research focuses on the area of static and dynamic studies of topological spin textures and novel magnetic phenomenon at materials surface/interface using resonant magnetic and coherent soft X-ray scattering.

Zeeshan – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – HEP
Dr. Ahmed researches the early-universe physics of cosmic inflation, and the late-universe evolution of large-scale structure using the cosmic microwave background. As part of this research, he develops low-noise superconducting photon sensors and particle detectors, as well as signal transduction and readout techniques for cosmology and HEP applications.

Lindsey Bleem – – Argonne National Laboratory – HEP
Dr. Bleem’s research focuses on the use of galaxy clusters to constrain cosmological models.  She is currently constructing and exploring the properties of new samples of clusters selected via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect using data from the South Pole Telescope. Beyond this work she is engaged in efforts to better connect simulations and observations of clusters to prepare for both the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and CMB-S4 survey.

David J. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BER
Our research is motivated by the question, how do microbial interactions shape the response and recovery of plants to extreme environmental events? We leverages the use of molecular genetic approaches to characterize plant – microbial symbioses that influence carbon and nutrient cycling across multiple levels of biological organization.,

Pietro Papa – Argonne National Laboratory/Materials Science Division – BES
Dr. Pietro Papa Lopes is a materials electrochemist at the Energy Conversion and Storage Group at the Materials Science Division. His current research interests focus on understanding electro-chemical conversion, materials stability, and in situ synthesis processes that occur at the electrochemical interface in fuel cells, electrolyzers, and both aqueous and non-aqueous batteries.

Jingke – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – HEP
Dr Xu works on neutrino and dark matter detection experiments. His research focuses on extending the sensitivities of noble element detectors to new energy regimes.

Jeffrey – Argonne National Laboratory – ASCR
I research methods to solve difficult numerical optimization problems. I am especially interested in derivative-free methods for optimizing real-world systems or functions that depend on a simulation or have some nontrivial computational cost.

Amy Bender – Argonne National Laboratory – HEP
I use observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to explore cosmology and in particular the early universe.  I focus on  advancing the state-of-the-art superconducting microwave detector technology that make these ultra-sensitive measurements as well as the analysis of subsequent data, focusing on instrument performance.  I’m a leader in both the South Pole Telescope (SPT-3G, currently taking data) and CMB-S4 (currently in the design phase) experiments.  

Archana – Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES Archana Raja's research focuses on manipulating potential landscapes in nanoscale quantum materials for transport of energy, charge, and information. Her research group fabricates and studies the optical and electronic properties of hybrid nanomaterial assemblies and their interfaces, including two-dimensional materials like graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides.

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh – – Berkeley Lab/Joint Genome Institute – BER
Research in the Eloe-Fadrosh group focuses on using genome-resolved metagenomic approaches to identify and characterize genomic information from uncultivated microbes and viruses. We develop computational approaches to sift through thousands of metagenomes for signatures of viruses and novel microbial lineages, and reconstruct metabolic properties encoded within those genomes. Our aim is to more fully capture microbial and viral diversity, leading to a better understanding of microbial communities and ecosystem function.

Ahmet – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – ASCR, BES
Our research focuses on fundamental understanding of ionomers, solid-polymer electrolytes and interfaces at the intersection of mechanics and electrochemistry to develop next-generation materials for clean energy technologies. We work on structure-property characterization and modeling of ion-conductive polymers and thin films to improve their stability and functionality in electrochemical technologies - from fuel cells and electrolyzers to flow batteries. Our materials research approach involves data-driven systematic investigations, including interrogation of transport functionality and chemical-mechanical stability supported by morphological characterization through x-ray scattering and spectroscopy techniques.

Susannah Tringe – – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER
Research in the Tringe Lab focuses on how microbes interact with plants to affect growth, health and stress resistance as well as how microbes influence greenhouse gas uptake and release in wetlands and agricultural systems. Recent projects have included investigation of changes in the sorghum microbiome under stress, mechanisms of methane production in former industrial salt ponds, and microbial degradation of contaminants in membrane bioreactors.

Juan A. Lopez-Ruiz – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
My group is interested in understanding and controlling electrocatalytic reactions for the conversion of biogenic and synthetic waste into fuels and chemicals.  We synthesize and characterize oxidation and reduction electrocatalysts and evaluate them for different reactions including 1) biomass oxidation and reduction, 2) polymer upcycling, 3) wastewater cleanup, 4) H2 generation, and 5) CO2 reduction.

Yaohua – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/ Second Target Station – BES
Dr. Liu uses neutron and x-ray scattering techniques to study energy-relevant quantum materials. His research focuses on the roles of microstructures and interfaces of magnetic materials and heterostructures. He is currently working at the Second Target Station (STS) Project Office, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, to develop next-generation neutron scattering instruments. 

Kirstin Alberi – National Renewable Energy Laboratory – Kirstin.Alberi@nrel.govBES
Our group is interested in understanding property-disorder relationships in semiconductors and topological semimetals to enable the design of next-generation energy-related devices. We have the capability to grow III-V and II-VI semiconductors and arsenide-based topological semimetals by molecular beam epitaxy. We also have access to a wide range of optical spectroscopy and electrical transport characterization tools.

Alan – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – NP
We concentrate on neutrinoless double-beta decay (NLBDB) and direct neutrino mass measurements.  For the NLDBD program, we are at the forefront of ultra-low noise, low-radioactive cryogenic electronic readout of semiconductor detector signals.  For the direct neutrino mass measurement, we are using high performance computers to perform computationally intensive analysis of the data using advanced statistical techniques.

Anton – Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Second Targe Station Project – BES 
I lead the neutron detector R&D effort aimed at meeting the requirements of the 8 instruments selected for the Second Target Station (STS) project at the ORNL and enhancing detector performance where possible. Several of the STS instruments require non-conventional detectors, as well as detectors with combinations of rate capability, resolution, efficiency, and signal-to-noise not previously achieved. The R&D is focused on various versions of scintillator, imaging and advanced 3He detectors.

Tanja – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/ Joint Genome Institute – BER
Research in my team is focused on the utility of single-cell methods to access genetic material of uncultivated bacterial, archaeal and viral taxa of interest. We for example apply function-driven single-cell genomics, where single cells are characterized and selected based on a specific functional trait or phenotype of interest, prior to and in conjunction with whole genome sequencing. Lastly, the team performs microbial sequence data analysis of datasets derived from a diverse range of ecosystems. 

Stuart – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
Research uses neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering to investigate magnetic structures and interactions in quantum materials. Utilizes polarized neutron scattering and real space magnetic analysis of short range order with mPDF. Focus on bulk powders and single crystals with low dimensional and magnetic frustration that host multiple competing interactions.

Raphael – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
Our research is focused on basic problems in materials physics related to lattice and spin dynamics, which we explore by means of inelastic scattering of neutron or x-rays, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. The acquired insights about provide deeper understanding of thermal transport and phase stability in functional energy materials such as thermoelectric or magnetocaloric materials and in quantum materials that host atomic tunneling.

Minerba Betancourt – – Fermilab – HEP  
I work with several neutrino experiments at Fermilab. I am interested in measuring muon and electron cross sections in the few GeV energy region relevant to the future oscillation experiments.

Pavel – Particle Physics Division, Fermilab – HEP, NP
I'm searching for charged lepton flavor violation, focusing on the process of neutrinoless mu- --> e- conversion. My experiment, Mu2e, is curently under construction, and we are starting to commission the detector and prepare for the data taking.

Raymond R. – Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
Development and application of aberration-corrected S/TEM imaging and analytical electron microscopy (EELS and EDS) to probe the atomic- scaled structure, chemistry and defects of materials to elucidate nanomaterial functionality. Development of in situ/operando STEM techniques to probe the mechanisms and kinetics of materials transformations in liquid/gas environments and under electrochemical, electrical bias, and thermal exposure.

Jim – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Spallation Neutron Source – BES, BER
My group’s research interest span broad scientific areas that include the distribution of magnetization in nanoscale and mesoscale materials related to quantum condensed matter, interfacial reactions in energy storage materials and bio-membranes and their intermolecular interaction.

Ethan J. – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
Interfaces control all aspects of life. Our group uses the Advanced Light Source (ALS) synchrotron to probe these interfaces under in situ and operando conditions using ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) to understand chemical states and potential profiles of electrochemical, catalytic, and separation processes. If you are interested in these questions or other interfacial processes, reach out, and I would love to discuss them. 

Thomas P. Russell – – Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES 
His research interests include the surface and interfacial properties of polymers, phase transitions in polymers, directed self-assembly processes, the use of polymers as scaffolds and templates for the generation of nanoscopic structures, the interfacial assembly of nanoparticles and nanoparticle surfactants, and wrinkling of thin polymer films.  He is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Inventors

Cheng Wang – – Lawrence Berkerley National Lab – BES
My research interest is to develop and utilize advanced synchrotron x-ray probes such as soft x-ray scattering, spectroscopy to elucidate the morphology, chemistry and interfacial structure of broad range of complex materials.

Gregory P. – Idaho National Laboratory – BES
I am the Director of the Idaho National Laboratory Center for Radiation Chemistry Research (INL CR2), whose mission is to unravel the fundamental science underpinning radiation-induced processes occurring throughout the nuclear fuel cycle and beyond. My research is characterized by a combination of steady-state gamma and/or actinide self-irradiation techniques coupled with time-resolved electron pulse kinetic measurements and multiscale modeling calculations.

Hendrik – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
I am an x-ray microscopist who uses synchrotron radiation to study new materials for e.g. batteries, magnetic and electronic device. The multidisciplinary environment at a synchrotron present an excellent opportunity to apply expertise in a particular technique to a wide range of scientific and societal challenges.

Valeriy V. – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/Advanced Light Source (LBNL/ALS) - BES
At the ALS X-Ray Optics Laboratory (XROL), we are conducting original research to develop novel techniques/concepts and instruments (one of the techniques has been recognized with the R&D 100 Award) for high-accuracy ex-situ and in-situ metrology with x-ray optics and optical systems ensuring the ultimate performance of the ALS beamline experimental set-ups. The XROL infrastructure includes advanced clean-room laboratory, unique metrology instrumentation, and innovative data acquisition and processing algorithms and software. Applicants interested in modern optics, state-of-the-art experimental methods and techniques could find the ALS XROL an exciting place to come and do research in the field of the Modern Art of High-Accuracy Measurement.

Aiping – Los Alamos National Laboratory/Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies – BES, Microelectronics
Research keywords: thin film synthesis and characterization, quantum materials, emergent phenomena, electronic devices. Website:

Yingzhong – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BER
My research focuses on ultrafast electronic spectroscopy and its applications to probe fundamental excited-state processes in a wide range of materials, biological, and chemical systems in real time (BES), ultrafast electronic excited-state phenomena and underlying physical mechanisms in spectrally heterogeneous materials and biological systems using femtosecond transient absorption microscopy, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, and several co-registered all-optical modalities (BES and BER), as well as quantum light spectroscopy and microscopy for non-invasive and nondestructive probing of complex biological systems and processes at ultralow light levels.

Nikki A. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – DOE IP, BES
My current research efforts focus on 1) probing the coordination chemistry of underexplored radioactive ions relevant to nuclear medicine, such as radium and actinium; 2) developing new chelation platforms for emerging diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides of interest for use in imaging and treating cancer; and 3) applying the principles of molecular recognition to dissolve and separate rare earth minerals.

Bhavna – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER, BES
Bhavna Arora is the Carbon Removal and Mineralization Program Lead and a Research Scientist in the Energy Geosciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her research interests include advancing predictive understanding of biogeochemical processes in various types of natural and managed ecosystems. She is specifically interested in using a combination of numerical models, AI/ML approaches and data mining techniques to test new concepts and hypotheses and in applying these tools to provide a scientific basis for solving diverse issues in the earth and environmental sciences such as, environmental remediation, water quality and management of agricultural soils.

Yannick – Distinguished research Scientist (Biophysics) - National Renewable Energy Laboratory – BER, BES
My group focuses on: 1) the study of biomass deconstruction mechanisms in the biosphere to improve cellulolytic microbes and their enzymes. 2) The development of new cell free approaches for pathway prototyping, protein expression, and to enable the cost competitive cell free production of toxic biochemicals or polymer intermediates. 3) Biochemical/structural characterization and rational engineering of plant biosynthetic and metabolic enzymes to enhance plant cell wall structure, growth properties, and to improve microbial performance.

Hirohisa A. – SLAC – HEP
Research in neutrino detection techniques and development of novel techniques for analyzing data from neutrino experiments. 

Matthew R. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory - BES
We are passionate about understanding and controlling materials at the molecular level using a hybrid approach of computational chemistry and neutron and synchrotron-based spectroscopy and diffraction techniques. Specifically, our current research focuses on understanding the stimuli response properties and molecular-scale mechanisms of various classes of porous materials for target applications in clean energy and decarbonization.

Allison C. – Los Alamos National Laboratory – BER
Harnessing state-of-the-art aerosol and trace gas signatures using high time-resolution measurements to reduce uncertainties of aerosols and cloud processes in Earth energy systems. Interested in aerosol chemistry, bioaerosol, field measurements, mass spectrometry, and urban emissions. Collaborative and interdisciplinary science to solve emerging National and Global Security challenges.

Ornella Palamara – – Fermilab – HEP
Ornella Palamara is a Senior Scientist in Fermilab’s Neutrino Division. Her research focuses on new physics in the neutrino sector and beyond. She is one of the founding spokespersons of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab, including three liquid argon time projection chamber detectors, and the current scientific co-spokesperson of the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) collaboration. 

Pablo Seleson – Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) – ASCR, BES, FES
My main research focuses on computational mechanics, especially peridynamics fracture modeling and simulation, from model development, analysis, and implementation to software development and computational experiments for fracture mechanics applications. I led the development of a performance-portable, exascale-enabled, GPU-capable peridynamics computational tool for the modeling of large-scale fracture problems that runs on ORNL's leadership-class supercomputers, in particular Summit and Frontier. My research incorporates multiscale and nonlocal modeling and more recently broadened to include data-driven surrogate modeling and machine learning with application to plasma-material interactions.

Ping – Los Alamos National Laboratory – BES
My current research focuses on understanding electronic structures, optical properties, reactivity, and dynamical behaviors of 5f-element chemistry and nanomaterials that are of crucial importance to energy security. I am also interested in developing semiempirical methods that enables long time-scale simulations of complex f-elements at the quantum level. Especially the applications of these properties to the challenging critical materials separations for clean sustainable energy using data-science.

Danny – Los Alamos National Laboratory –BES, ASCR, FES 
My current research focuses on the development and application of long-time simulation techniques in materials, with an emphasis on energy-relevant applications such as the first-wall of fusion reactors or nuclear fuels. I am also interested in the development of automated computational workflows that enable the high-throughput calculation of kinetic properties of materials using peta- and exa-scale hardware and on the use of data-science approaches to enable combined experimental and computational exploration campaigns.

Jingsong – Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences – BES, ASCR
My research mainly focuses on theoretical studies of functional materials and reaction mechanisms on surfaces and at interfaces. Of particular interest are electrochemical energy conversion and storage with supercapacitors, batteries, and electrochemical reduction reactions such as HER, NRR, and CO2RR. We work in close collaboration with experimentalists to validate theory using experimental data, theoretically rationalize experimental observations, and make theoretical predictions to be verified by experiments.

Panchapakesan – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES, ASCR
Computational Scientist, with research interests at the intersection of theoretical condensed matter physics, theoretical quantum chemistry, computational material science, high-performance computing and machine-learning. Broadly, scientific research involves developing theoretical methods to gain fundamental insights into the role of defects and disorder in materials for future energy and computing technologies, as well as accelerating design of new improved materials using these insights for solving the Nation’s energy problems. Work is at times performed in close collaboration with experimental groups.

Marc-Olivier – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ASCR, BES, FES, NP
My research focuses on nuclear engineering, fusion and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The bulk of my work consists of developing modeling and simulation capabilities using advanced C++ libraries to run on CPU and GPU architectures. It involves skills in numerical methods, physics and programming. I also have experience with open-source and commercial CFD packages such as STAR-CCM+ and OpenFOAM. My projects are mostly funded by DOE and NNSA. As a research scientist at ORNL, I have hosted summer interns for a few years and mentored graduate students from various universities.

Stephanie – Savannah River National Laboratory – ASCR, BES
I am a mathematician by training who works in various applied mathematics fields at SRNL. My recent work includes: applying advanced math topics to develop data analysis methods for gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, multivariate and multi-objective optimization methods for sample collection and processing, AI/ML for compound identification in mass spectral data, AI/ML for fog predictions, molecular modeling and computational chemistry applied to actinide chemistry, and physics based modeling for hydrogen energy storage for solar energy. I am interested in further applied math topics.

Justin – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ASCR, BES, FES
My research focuses on enabling thermofluid designs for next-generation energy systems with complex fluid flows. My projects cover both experimental fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for single and multiphase flows for accelerator-driven systems, fission reactors, fusion reactors, and large-scale scientific facilities. Techniques of particular interest are high-efficiency heat transfer surfaces enabled by additive manufacturing, data-driven modeling and optimization for large design spaces, and verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ).

Chen – Argonne National Laboratory – BES 
I am a chemist with interest in electrolytes and electrodes in energy storage systems, particularly in the area of lithium ion  batteries and beyond Li-ion batteries. The research here will focus on the design and understanding of the advanced electrolytes (salts and liquids) and electrodes, in situ or operando testing, and characterization of battery to understand degradation process. We will use regular Echem measurement such as CV, LSV, galvanostatic cycling, as well as advanced characterization of NMR, ICP-MS, X-ray diffraction, XPS, and SEM/TEM. More collaboration is possible in beam lines at APS/NSLS-II. 

Jacy – Idaho National Laboratory – BES
My research interests are in understanding how radiolytic processes result in the degradation of a variety of materials and solutions. I use different experimental techniques to determine the fundamental radiation-induced process that dictate the reactivity, solubility, speciation and complexation of chemical species in a given system. Using these experimental inputs, I develop kinetic computer models to predict the behavior of chemical species under irradiation. In-depth knowledge of these processes is integral for evaluating the performance of materials involved in a nuclear fuel cycle, e.g., corrosion of nuclear reactor materials, extent of extraction in used nuclear fuel reprocessing systems, and partitioning of materials in nuclear waste storage.

Kristy – Idaho National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Spencer is an advanced reactor spent fuel analyst in the Used Fuel Management Department at INL. In this role, she provides technical support for spent fuel storage, transportation, and disposition for advanced reactor designs. Spencer’s focus area is the Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment between INL, Southern Company, and TerraPower, in which she serves on the integrated product team, on the engineering analysis team, and as one of the INL leads for the primary project objectives. Spencer also develops optimization algorithms to select used fuel assemblies for dry cask storage in support of the STANDARDS 5.0 spent nuclear fuel data and analysis tool, formerly known as UNF-ST&DARDS. Spencer is currently the Communications Committee chair for U.S. Women in Nuclear.

Manish Shrivastava – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
I am an atmospheric scientist focusing on understanding how natural and human systems interact through multiphase atmospheric chemistry in gas-phase, aerosol-phase, and clouds, affecting extreme events such as wildfires and heavy precipitation. I address this by developing novel modeling formulations based on laboratory and field measurements in close collaboration with experimentalists. In addition to 1D and 3D atmospheric models, I have also applied novel machine learning tools in the analyses of aerosol datasets. I have a strong history of mentoring Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers. My former mentees have published several key journal articles and taken on a variety of roles in academia and research institutions.

Kelly Malone – Los Alamos National Laboratory – kmalone@lanl.govHEP
My research is in the field of gamma-ray particle astrophysics, including searches for dark matter using indirect detection methods. I am a member of the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory.

Venkateshkumar (Venky) – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Prabhakaran’s research is focused on fundamental understanding of ionic interactions and nanoscale phenomena at electrochemical interfaces, and rational design of efficient and sustainable electrochemical separations and energy storage. He is currently focused on preparing well-defined electrode-electrolyte interfaces using ion soft landing and studying electrochemical processes using in situ multimodal spatially-resolved electrochemical imaging techniques coupled with Raman, infrared, x-ray photoelectron and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques.

Emily Graham – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
My research focuses on garnering a molecular understanding of ecosystem processes. Specific interests include high resolution organic matter chemistry, microbial ecology, and data-model assimilation using advanced statistics and machine learning. Current opportunities include investigations of soil carbon cycling through the molecular observation network and of urban biogeochemistry and resilience through an early career award.

Maria K. Y. – Argonne National Laboratory – BES
Our research is focused on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and theoretical modeling for materials characterization (x-ray, electron, and scanning probe) and materials design and discovery. Our work is typically applied towards materials for renewable energy including batteries, solar cells, and catalysts. More information can be found on

Leah N. – Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM site – BES
Research in my group focuses on design of new polymer and metal-organic materials for applications ranging from additive manufacturing to chemical sensing to optics and electronics. We work to understand structure-function relationships and the underlying chemistry of materials in order to design new materials and adapt existing materials for new applications.

Tong Zhou – – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – HEP, ARDAP
Staff scientist leading the development of advanced laser technologies, particularly in ultrafast fiber lasers, coherent laser combination, nonlinear optics, and laser beam shaping.

Pedro Machado – Fermilab – HEP
My main research focus lately has been on neutrinos physics, including oscillation phenomenology; BSM signatures in neutrino experiments, such as dark matter signals or new neutrino interactions; model building and mass mechanisms and their imprints at low scales; and neutrino-nucleus interactions. I am excited to work together with experimentalists here at Fermilab, and have maintained collaborations with members of SBND, CMS, DUNE, and other experiments.

Catherine Mageeney –– Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA – BER
I use computational and experimental approaches to understand bacteriophage genomics and gene function, bacteriophage resistance mechanisms, and build bacteriophage engineering pipelines for isolated bacteria or bacteria in communities.

Pablo – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ASCR
My research lies at the intersection of data science, network science, and cybersecurity. In particular, I use data-driven and computational methods to discover and understand anomalous behavior in large-scale networked systems. I rely on this approach to design and develop innovative solutions to address these. Applications of my research range across multiple disciplines, including, the detection of exceptional events in social media, Internet route hijacking, insider threat behavior in version control systems, and intrusion detection in cyber-physical systems.

Kelly Williams – – Sandia National Labs, Livermore CA – BER
We study bacterial genome evolution, focusing on the mobile DNAs that affect pathogenicity, metabolism and other phenotypes. These include bacteriophages that are useful in phage therapy and microbiome genome editing. Our software maps mobile DNAs with single-nucleotide precision, allowing us to build atlases of the mobilome over the whole bacterial tree of life.

Gianluigi Ciovati - – Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - ARDAP and NP
Particle accelerators are modern technological marvels used for science discovery throughout the world. Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities are one of the key building blocks of modern particle accelerators. We are involved in research projects related to all aspects of SRF science and technology. In particular, we are developing novel technologies to advance SRF for compact, high-power accelerators for industrial applications, ranging from wastewater treatment to the treatment of recycled plastic. We also have a close collaboration with the Center for Accelerator Science at Old Dominion University ( which provides an opportunity for graduate studies in accelerator science.

Anees Al Najjar – – Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) – ASCR
My research interests include computer networks, distributed computing, machine learning, digital twins, cyber-physical systems, and science workflow designs and implementations. I work on projects involving science instrument integration into ecosystems with high-performance computing and require designing and implementing application programmable interfaces (API) for distributed and remote computing. The work may include developing digital twins of the ecosystem infrastructure to develop and test science workflows. The projects may also require developing machine learning algorithms for predicting and classifying computer network and science domain profiles, which can be used as applications for a software stack.

Jeffrey R – Argonne National Laboratory - BES
Our work focusing on developing experimental atomic-scale understanding and control of optical and photophysical interactions with nanoscale systems and surfaces. We are developing the Atomic Quantum Information Surface Science (AQuISS) Lab which couples low temperature ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) scanning probe microscopes (STM/AFM) with tunable lasers, single-photon-counting detectors and RF/microwave access in order to understand and manipulate optical and spin interactions in dopants, defects, molecules, and nanoscale structures near and at surfaces. We are also interested in photophysics of molecular donor-acceptor heterojunctions, photocatalytic surfaces, and nanoscale behavior and exploitation of plasmonic systems.

Kazi – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – ASCR
My research in the Architecture and Performance Group at ORNL primarily focuses on Memory Systems/Architectural optimizations of High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems including performance/power analysis, optimization of memory subsystems, and exploring emerging technologies/techniques in this field. For example, investigating memory/architectural requirements for ML/AI workloads and exploring appropriate optimization options accommodating those requirements would be very interesting.

Faya Wang – – SLAC – ARDAP, BES
I am a lead scientist specializing in beam physics, RF, control systems, and beam diagnostics, with a profound connection to both fundamental physics and practical applications. Presently, we are actively involved in developing a cutting-edge machine learning-based controller for the LCLSII superconducting RF linac, a world-leading facility. Our research opportunities span across advancing next-generation ultra-high voltage pulsed systems, enhancing instrumentation for beam diagnostics, implementing AI-based real time control systems, and exploring applications in particle accelerators.

Aleena Rafique — — Argonne National Laboratory — HEP
The neutrino group at Argonne HEP division is looking for a graduate student to conduct research of neutrino interactions using Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). DUNE will combine the world’s most intense neutrino beam, a deep underground site, and massive Liquid Argon (LAr) detectors to enable a broad science program addressing some of the most fundamental questions in particle physics including matter-antimatter asymmetry puzzle. DUNE will consist of two detectors, Near Detector (ND) will beinstalled at Fermilab, Illinois and a second, much larger, Far detector (FD) will be installed more than a kilometer underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The ANL neutrino group is significantly contributing to the DUNE experiment by having roles in detector design, hardware, and science.

Lianshan – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
My research focuses on applied engineering, study of geothermal energy conversion and biomass processing system. Application of these researches requires the understanding of microstructure and mechanical properties of materials and how these change as a function of time, stress, temperature and environment through mechanical evaluation. My interested topics include but are not limited to imaging and modeling heat exchange/interactions between reservoir environment and engineering materials, material characterization using neutron imaging/scattering and synchrotron X-ray, modeling and simulation of solid-fluid-gas multi-phase interactions in dynamic loads, and techniques to understand flow through fractures and the hydraulic fracture process.

Kris Villez – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES
The Sensors and Electronics group at ORNL is looking for students to apply for the Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program. The awarded student will work on a project focused on machine learning methods for fault detection, diagnosis, and control. Depending on the student’s interests, the work may be applied to components of the electrical grid, polymer-based additive manufacturing systems, or water treatment plants.

Karolina Michalska – – Argonne National Laboratory/Advanced Photon Source – BER
Structural biologist with an extensive experience in macromolecular crystallographic methods, data collection using synchrotron beamlines, and X-ray data analysis. Currently leading the eBERlight program, an integrated research platform that provides access and user support for several x-ray-based tools for research in biological, geological, geochemical, and environmental sciences at the Advanced Photon Source (APS).

Ahmet Uysal – – Argonne National Laboratory – BES
My research is focused on molecular scale mechanisms in interfacial ion transfer, graphene based 2D materials, ion-amphiphile interactions at aqueous interfaces, and chemical separations. I specialize in synchrotron x-ray scattering techniques and interface-specific non-linear vibrational spectroscopy. For more information please visit our group blog:

Jin – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BES
Advances in science and technology have been driven by an improved understanding of matter at various levels of temporal and spatial resolution. My research centers around developing and applying advanced theoretical and computational tools to understand the coordinated symphony of photons, electrons, and atoms that are at the heart of renewable energy harvest. The developments of (1). Digital Twin, and (2). Real-Space Khon-Sham Density Functional Theory (Real-space KS-DFT) represents the two pillar stones in my group (Fig. 1). These developments enable us to curiously step into the nano-realm (with demonstrated capability of calculating energies, forces, and wavefunctions of >12,000 atoms) and look at problems that were previously considered intractable for orbital-like or plane-wave based DFT (with a usual limit of simulating a few hundred atoms). We are looking to host students who are interested in renewable energy applications (CO2 capture, conversion, water desalination) or method development.

Igal Brener - – Sandia National Laboratories and Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies - BES
I'm an optical physicist that works in several aspects of nanophotonics and semiconductor physics, with an emphasis in understanding and controlling how light interacts with nanostructured materials. The applications of this research range from controlling light emitting devices, inventing new types of optical detectors and lasers, and creating single photon sources for quantum information processing and sensing. Most of the research that our group carries out is experimental and includes cutting edge ultrafast and single-photon experiments, nanofabrication of challenging semiconductor samples and modeling of physical and optical properties. The work offered to interns will be done at the excellent facilities of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a user facility jointly operated by Sandia and Los Alamos. Throughout my career I have mentored more than 60 postdocs and students at all levels of their education. Many of our graduates have gone off to successful careers in industry, academia and other national labs. We offer a very stimulating and collegial environment working with a large team of scientists, postdocs and students.    

Michelle Newcomer - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - BER, BES
My group focuses on analyzing hydrological and biogeochemical cycling across watersheds as a function of surface water-groundwater interactions. My current research links dynamic mechanisms of hydrological, biogeochemical, and microbial dynamics in coastal zones and in landscapes impacted by wildfire.

Frances – Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM site -- ASCR
I am interested in parallels between the operations of biological neural systems and the challenges faced by modern computers. At Sandia, my research applies knowledge of neural systems to develop novel neural-inspired algorithms and brain-based architectures and hardware to improve the performance of computing systems and other engineered systems.

Sneha – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
My long-term vision is to understand how small molecule-mediated plant-soil-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere and hyphosphere environment can be manipulated for creating sustainable bioenergy cropping systems that achieve parallel goals of 1) high yield 2) environmental resilience (drought, heat), and 3) promote soil organic carbon accumulation and stabilization in marginal soils. I leverage mass-spectrometry based metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics technologies in tandem with sequencing data for an integrative-omics approach to address functional knowledge gaps in how plants and microbes interact and mediate soil biogeochemical processes under global change. I use cross-scale lab experiments and field measurements to systematically untangle the molecular diversity and establish taxonomic sources to advance understanding of plant-microbial feedbacks that regulate microbial metabolic activity and soil organic matter stabilization/turnover.

Kristin – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – ASCR
Kristi’s research interests span the quantum computing stack, from device hardware and gate design to testbed architecture. Her current research portfolio includes testing novel control hardware and working with optimal control generation for superconducting transmons; and designing, modeling and testing 3D printed traps for trapped ions.

Julia – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – HEP
I work on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, detector R&D for next-generation experiments, and incorporating machine learning into all levels of collider data pipelines. My physics interests are primarily with unusual or undercovered beyond the Standard Model searches, with a focus on machine learning-based anomaly detection, long-lived particles, and complex dark sectors. On the instrumentation side I work on "fast ML" approaches to compress and accelerate ML models to run in different kinds of hardware at the O(ns) timescales of collider operation. 

Clinton – National Energy Technology Laboratory – BES
I work on characterizing the fundamentals associated with hydrogen and ammonia combustion to decarbonize power and industry. This includes the use of advanced laser-based diagnostics which provide critical information on the underlying physics and chemistry associated with these carbon-free fuels. For example, uncovering pollutant formation mechanisms and enabling development of mitigation strategies. Our research group also works to develop companion physical models of these systems using detailed chemical kinetics simulations and/or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which are validated by comparison to experimental measurements. The following link illustrates some of our recent capabilities in this area: New NETL Capability Allows Deeper Look into Using Ammonia as a Carbon-Free Fuel |

Pranjali Muley – – National Energy Technology Laboratory – BES
The graduate student will work at National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Center for Microwave Chemistry. The research at the Center is focused on development of materials and chemicals aimed towards decarbonization of carbon intense chemical industries and synthesizing low-carbon fuels. Research opportunity includes topics such as CO2 conversion, methane conversion to low-carbon fuels and chemicals, material development for CO2 capture, ammonia synthesis and plastics upcycling. The research will gain hands on experience on numerous material synthesis and characterization techniques and operation of microwave reactor systems.

Wei ShiWei.SHI@NETL.DOE.GOV – National Energy Technology Laboratory – ASCR, BES
My PhD is in Chemical Engineering and I develop and apply atomistic simulation tools, chem-informatics, and machine learning methodologies for materials design and screening for gas separation, carbon capture, and H2 production from biomass. Recently, our team started a new exciting project to implement molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation on the Wafer-Scale-Engine (WSE), which is the largest chip in the world developed by the Cerebras company to train large language models. I am also interested in developing multi-physics models for milli-reactors to back-calculate chemical reaction kinetics and reaction thermodynamics by comparing with experimental data. Please refer to to get an overall idea of my work and you can find out more about the WSE project at

Felipe Leno da Silva (Leno) – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – ASCR, BES, BER
I am a Staff Machine Learning researcher with focus on Reinforcement Learning. My main interest is in basic or applied research projects applying AI/Machine Learning to either Energy or Bio domains.

Jan Kern - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - BES
Our group in the MBIB Division at LBL works on studying enzyme mechanisms using a variety of X-ray based methods. We study photosynthetic enzymes (Photosystem II, Photosystem I, Bacterial Reaction Center), and a variety of metalloenzymes that are relevant for applications related to renewable energy. We are developing new methods to trigger reactions in these enzymes and measure time resolved data using the femtosecond pulses produced by X-ray laser sources, like the LCLS facility in Stanford. We also work regularly at the ALS and SSRL synchrotron sources and conduct not only crystallographic but also EPR and X-ray spectroscopic studies to understand the evolution of the geometric and electronic structures of catalytic active sites in these enzymes.

Grant E. Johnson – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Johnson’s research is focused on developing sorbent, membrane, and electrochemical methods for the energy-efficient and selective extraction of critical materials from liquid feedstocks. He is particularly interested in establishing structure-property relationships to understand how phenomena such as nanoconfinement, solvation, desolvation, and transport affect critical separations.

Gregory Schenter - - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Molecular Theory and Modeling Program – ASCR, BES
The Molecular Theory and Modeling Program at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) seeks a fundamental understanding of important processes such as solvation, transport, and reaction in complex condensed phase and interfacial environments. This research provides a basis for the development of new and improved energy technologies and the control of environmental impacts of energy use. Our diverse team has focused on processes in aqueous solutions, interfacial water, ionic liquids, and molecular frameworks. We systematically connect processes in simple to increasingly more complex systems and advance the fundamental understanding of molecular systems through the development of molecular modeling methods.  Our work includes the construction of models of molecular interactions based on empirical forms as well as explicit electronic structures. We combine the method development with appropriate statistical and dynamical sampling techniques to elucidate the fundamental properties and behavior of well-characterized systems for benchmarking by experimental measurement. With an established knowledge of fundamental processes, we further provide the necessary foundation to control and design processes in more complex systems where complexity is due to heterogeneity in space and/or time scales. This allows us to identify intrinsic properties of systems that control collective response and to connect frameworks that impact understanding of complex macroscopic phenomena.

Zezhen Cheng (Jay) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BER
My search focuses on characterizing the field collected and laboratory generated biomass burning aerosols (BBAs). I use both online aerosol instruments and offline microscopy techniques to investigate the morphology (mixing state, size, and shape), physical (e.g., viscosity, volatility), chemical (e.g., elemental composition), and optical properties of BBAs and their effects.

Xingyuan Chen - – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - BER 
Xingyuan Chen is a senior Earth scientist with primary research interests in watershed hydro-biogeochemical modeling and using machine learning methods to accelerate iterations between modeling and experiments to advance predictive understanding for watershed and coastal systems. 

Allison Myers-Pigg - – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - BER 
Allison Myers-Pigg is a staff scientist with primary research interests in the impact of disturbances on biogeochemical fluxes across environmental interfaces, particularly between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. She uses molecular level techniques to address ecosystem level questions, through a blend of laboratory experiments, field efforts and models to understand how ecosystems store and process carbon and other key nutrients.  

David J. Heldebrant – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES, CSGB
Dr. Heldebrant’s research is focused on designing materials and processes to reduce waste and improve energy efficiency in the fields of reactive separations and catalysis, applying these principles to design integrated CO2 capture and catalytic processes that recycle CO2 into value-added chemicals or minerals for carbon sequestration.

Sungmin – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
My research aims to address fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis for bridging molecular descriptions of catalytic reactions with design of novel catalysts and chemical processes. Current research topics are: (1) the impact of nuclearity and environment of active sites on CO2 hydrogenation, dehydration and C-C coupling reaction, (2) catalytic polymer conversion, (3) phenomena at the interface between electrocatalysis and thermal catalysis for converting organic molecules, (4) development of frontier material of metal-organic framework (MOF) for catalysis.

Jorgen F. – Idaho National Laboratory – BES, FES
As the Group Lead for Advanced Manufacturing within INL's Energy, Environment, Science, and Technology Directorate, my team is at the forefront of addressing material science challenges that are key to advancing clean energy technologies. We concentrate on crafting unique material solutions that exhibit exceptional resilience in extreme operating conditions, including exposure to high temperatures, intense radiation and dose levels, high dynamic strain rates, mechanical stresses, and corrosive environments. Utilizing cutting-edge additive manufacturing and advanced sintering technology, we fabricate innovative materials that are critical to the durability and widespread implementation of various systems. These include advanced nuclear reactors, plasma facing first wall materials for fusion energy systems, concentrated solar power/thermal components, geothermal installations, and hydrogen-based power and electrolysis technologies. Collaborating closely with INL's data science and modeling teams, we delve into the intricate relationships between structure, properties, and manufacturing processes for ceramics, metal alloys, and composite materials, forging ahead in the discovery of new material compositions and forms to meet the demands of next-generation energy solutions.

Ruishu – National Energy Technology Laboratory – BES and Convergence Areas
Dr. Ruishu F. Wright is a Research Physical Scientist in Research and Innovation Center of the National Energy Technology Laboratory. She leads R&D efforts of an interdisciplinary team to develop real-time sensors and functional sensitive materials to monitor and mitigate methane emissions from natural gas and hydrogen pipelines, support safe hydrogen transportation, enable subsurface geochemical monitoring in support of subsurface hydrogen-natural gas storage, wellbore integrity monitoring of carbon storage wells, etc. One emerging area at NETL is quantum sensing technologies and functionalization of quantum sensing materials for energy system monitoring and harsh condition monitoring. Any applications who are interested in quantum sensing or advanced sensor technologies are welcome to contact me.

Mariefel Olarte – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES

Her research interest is in the production of alternative sources of energy that have lower environmental and carbon footprints than fossil fuels. It focuses explicitly on the catalytic upgrading of biomass-derived liquids to produce hydrocarbons and liquid transportation fuel. She also has research interest in the development of analytical methods to analyze the reactant and product streams and is a member of ASTM. Other catalytic processes of interest include lignin depolymerization and chemical production and per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) destruction. She is also working in the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in catalysis, chemical processing and biomass yield. Her research involves working with teams at PNNL and external collaborators to develop catalysts, processes, and analytical methods.

Sang Soo – Argonne National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Lee is a Geochemist in the Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division in Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Lee’s research aims to obtain molecular-scale understanding of fundamental reaction processes occurring at various solid-water interfaces that control geochemical processes, including heavy metal sequestration, critical element extraction, and carbon mineralization. To achieve this goal, his team utilizes synchrotron X-ray techniques, such as high-resolution X-ray reflectivity, transmission X-ray microscopy, and Bragg coherent diffraction imaging, combined with in-house imaging techniques, including atomic force microscopy, digital holographic microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. These experimental observations are compared with and cross-validated by theoretical calculations and computational simulations.

Shaked Regev - - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - ASCR
My research leverages numerical linear algebra, mathematical optimization, and AI to solve electric grid and computational fluid dynamics problems.The research includes algorithmic, mathematical, and software development components. The majority of the time is spent on software development in C++ and Python.

Bernard Knueven - – National Renewable Energy Laboratory – ASCR
I research methods to solve challenging numerical optimization problems arising from equation-oriented models. I am especially interested in decomposition methods which leverage high performance computing resources to address otherwise unsolvable energy systems problems.

Michelle Newcomer - – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – BER
Dr. Michelle Newcomer is a Research Scientist in the Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Newcomer is the Deputy Lead of the Watershed Function SFA and her research focuses on analyzing the effects of climate perturbations on hydrological and biogeochemical cycling in hyporheic zones and as a function of surface water-groundwater interactions. Her current research links dynamic mechanisms of microbial transformations to larger scale effects driven by climate in the East River, CO, and the Russian River, CA. Dr. Newcomer has a wide range of interests from:
Impacts of California wildfires on watershed hydrology and water quality, Extreme climate and changes to groundwater-surface water connectivity, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and the role of food-webs, riverine exports, and climate perturbations, Terrestrial Aquatic Interfaces (TAI): exploring the biogeochemistry of the TAI across large-scale (coastal zones) to small-scale (hyporheic zones), and New fiber-optic technologies for sensing across the TAI.

Nicole – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – BES, HEP
I am interested in a variety of topics related to accelerator physics, and how we can improve accelerator performance and operations. My research has primarily focused on the simulation, optimization, and experimental measurements of photoinjectors (electron linacs) for HEP or BES applications. This includes laser shaping on photocathodes, software development for control rooms, and diagnostics related to the superconducting RF (SRF) for LCLS-II. 

Dongsheng Li – – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – BES
Dr. Li’s research is focused on understanding of molecular-to-mesoscale principles controlling (1)  the emergence of hierarchical organization via particle assembly and oriented attachment and (2)  structure-function relationships of catalysts at both atomic and microscopic scales, using in situ TEM and AFM microscopy.

Nicolas – ANL – FES
Dr. Stauff manages the Nuclear Applications and Economics group at ANL. His research contributes to the fields of advanced reactor design optimization, reactor physics, criticality safety and multi-physics analyses in support to nuclear reactor vendors, the NRC and DOE. His team also leads or contributes to techno-economics and energy market analyses for nuclear energy in support to DOE and DOS.

John Groh - - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - HEP
Our group develops technologies and builds instruments to precisely measure the cosmic microwave background, understand our universe, and search for new physics.  A current major focus is the CMB-S4 project - in particular on its "small aperture" telescopes and inflation survey.  Another primary research direction is developing and characterizing scalable superconducting readout technology for low-temperature sensors which are broadly useful from mm-wave cosmology to direct dark matter detection.  Website:

Daniel Claudino – – Oak Ridge National Laboratory – BES, ASCR
My research focuses broadly on quantum computing. More specifically, my work includes quantum simulation, algorithm development and implementation, with emphasis on quantum chemistry/electronic structure theory, as well as several aspects of quantum software, such as programming languages, compilers, frameworks, and simulators.

Tirthankar Ghosal - - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) – ASCR
My research primarily focuses on Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a particular emphasis on AI for Science (AI4S) and its applications in scientific knowledge discovery. My work involves leveraging large language models (LLMs) to analyze and generate insights from scientific texts, supporting downstream tasks such as Scientific Hypothesis Generation. Additionally, I contribute to the development of domain-specific foundation models in Astronomy and Materials Science. I am deeply committed to academic collaboration, particularly with national laboratories and leading research institutions. My collaboration network spans across MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Allen Institute for AI (AI2), UIUC, OSU, NASA/ADS, and IITs, where I engage in various AI for Science initiatives. I am seeking motivated students who are passionate about advancing AI for Scientific Discovery—with the goal of accelerating human-led innovations and making a meaningful impact on the world.

Xueli (Sherry) – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory – BES
Using materials science, electrochemistry, X-ray science, nanotechnology, and battery science, Dr. Zheng's group seeks to develop transformative approaches for sustainable energy technologies. Dr. Zheng's research focuses include 1) advancing the design, synthesis, and characterization of 2D nanomaterials, leveraging her extensive background and specialized expertise in materials synthesis and synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy/imaging characterization. 2) advanced synchrotron-based characterization techniques, particularly for studying interfaces, surfaces, and nanomaterial properties. These include in situ measurements to explore catalytic reactions, lithium metal batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, solid-state batteries, and aqueous battery systems. 3) decarbonizing steelmaking using sustainable hydrogen; 4) critical materials including Li/Co and rare earth element characterization and extraction. 5) leveraging fundamental science to enable translational research across many sustainable energy technologies, including batteries and decarbonizing steelmaking. More information can be found on the website.